1. Wendy

    Haha hahah what on earth!!! This is just ridiculous, where did you hear this? Can’t stop laughing xx #anythinggoes

  2. Sadie

    Can’t say I’ve heard this one, but it lost me at “vampire” I much prefer conspiracy theories that at least make you pause for a split second before you write them off!

  3. melissa abel

    I think we have to assume the persons responsible have problems with mental heath in some way. A psychologist would have a feild day!

  4. mummy here and there

    There are some epic conspiracy theories out, does question what is going through their minds X #anythinggoes

  5. Gotta say that I have never hear THAT one, but I have heard some strange ones about Travolta since he is into Scientology…Maybe the Nick Cage one stems from his interest in the New Orleans folklore?? I don’t know…I’m going to have to think on that! #anythinggoes

  6. I haven’t heard that one. I do think that its a bit crazy that Sam Elliot looks exactly the same as he did thirty years ago. maybe he is spreading this rumor to keep people off his path? #anythinggoes

  7. Why those two? I mean Tom Cruise & Mel Gibson should surely have been cast in the roles of weird vampire & slayer. They are weird, where as John & Nick are cool guys! Stupider!

  8. Silly Mummy

    Oh I’d forgotten this one! I first heard it years ago and it made me laugh so much! I think it’s great. It’s not limited to this either. They reckon Nic Cage is a vampire because there are claims of pictures going back hundreds of years of people who look just like him. There are others who people claim the same about. There was a police chief people had this theory about too – I want to say in Sheffield, but I’m not sure about that. Oh, and donated blood doesn’t get used for transfusions – it’s for the vampires of the Masons and the Illuminati. Of course. I love conspiracy theorists. And I love Buffy. Therefore, vampire conspiracies are my favourite! #AnythingGoes

    • I love a good vampire conspiracy theory too – I mean it’s good to know that there’s a tiny possibility of becoming immortal and staying young and healthy right lol!
      I just think this particular one is particularly bad because it just doesn’t make sense. Like if you’re going to start a conspiracy theory, at least make it vaguely plausible haha.

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