I’ve never read a war book in my life and history really isn’t my thing, so people might be surprised that I chose to read Front Lines. But I absolutely loved Michael Grant’s Gone series, so I figured if there was ever a war book I’d enjoy, it would probably be this one. I wasn’t disappointed.
Front Lines: Back Cover Blurb
Am I a coward?
Her face is wet but her mouth is dry. Her heart is beating heavy and slow. Her breaths are shallow. Soon now. Soon they will be there, wherever there is. It is a mission. It is a commando raid. It will almost certainly be combat.
It all leads to this.
Rio Richlin and her friends are going to war. But will they be strong enough to prove themselves on the front lines?
Front Lines: My Thoughts on the Book
Front Lines is an alternate history to World War Two. In Front Lines, women are accepted into the army and the story centres around four of the brave young girls who sign up.
It’s a fantastic book that really captures how I imagine army life might feel, and it perfectly shows the sexism and racism that was rife at the time, not just from the girls’ peers but from commanding officers too.
As I mentioned at the start of the post, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy a war book, but I couldn’t put this down. I’m not sure if it’s a typical war book or not, but although there is plenty of talk about the war and training and missions, it’s not just blood and gore.
There’s a very real story about the girls too, and the way it all comes together kept me gripped right until the end.
Front Lines: Conclusion and Rating
Another fantastic book from Michael Grant. I would recommend this book, even if, like me, you would say war books aren’t your thing. 5/5
Front Lines is available here.
Have you read Front Lines? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Ooh. I like the sounds of this. I don’t read war books either but it’s nice to try something outside your normal remit.
Not something like I have ever read before but you sell it pretty well! #anythinggoes
I’m another one who would never read a war book, but then I said that about war films and loved Jarhead (though that may have had more to do with a certain Mr Gyllenhaal…). Sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone.
This sounds awesome!!‪ #BloggerClubUK‬
War books are not really my ‘cup of tea’ either but it sounds like this is quite an interesting one. Always nice to get a recommendation for a good book! #bloggerclubuk
I do like a good war book so long as I’m following some good characters throughout. Will make a note of this one #BloggerClubUK
Not read anything like that before – would be an interesting read. #Anythinggoes
My boy loves war books, I’ll try this for him! Thanks c
Sounds interesting, I can’t say it would be my sort of thing. You write great reviews X
Thank you 🙂
This sounds a good read – I’m like you and I’ve never chosen to read a war book before but I might try this one and make it a first! #AnythingGoes
You should – it’s a great read!
actually sounds quite good, like you its not the sort of thing id think id be up for!
great review
Hi, this sounds like a great book with the twist of having women instead. I think that I may just add this to my book list #bloggerclubuk
Oooo Debbie this sounds interesting. It’s like you are transported back to a different era – I like the angle so that it’s not just about war. I imagine you’d get drawn into the story quickly. x
The Top 5 Books I've Read Since April 2018 - My Random Musings
[…] Lines, here, book two, Silver Stars, here and book three, Purple Hearts, here and you can find my review of Front Lines […]