Ever have those days where you just don’t feel good about yourself? I know I do and it can be hard to remember why you should give yourself a break.
Here are three reasons why you’re awesome and should give yourself break when you’re having an off day:
You May Not Be Perfect, But You Are Perfectly You
No one is perfect, let’s just put that out there now. No one ever can be perfect, because perfection is subjective so what is perfect for one person won’t be for the next person.
So no, you’re not perfect, and trying to fit someone else’s idea of perfection is exhausting, disheartening and ultimately a huge waste of time.
What you are is perfectly you. You are unique and all of those little quirks come together to make you be you. No one can ever be you as well as you are and that in itself is pretty damned awesome.
You Are Stronger Than You Know
You are. You might picture various scenarios in your head, maybe things you’ve seen in the news, and wonder how people cope with them. You might think you never could.
I bet those people thought the same before those things happened to them. But when they do, they cope, because they too were stronger than they knew.
Whatever life throws at you, you will get through it, because you are strong.
To The World, You Are Just One Person, But To One Person, You Are the World
When you feel like nothing about you is lovable and you just want to hide away, remember this: there are people out there that love you. There are people out there who care about you.
On a large scale, you might feel insignificant, like you haven’t achieved much of anything, but you know what? There is no greater accomplishment in this world than loving and being loved in return; making someone smile, just because you are there with them.
And we all have that one person that is true for (usually more than one). It could be your partner, your children, your family or your best friend, but know this. To that person, you make a difference every day just by being you.
So there you have it – three ways YOU are awesome. Next time you’re having a bad day, try to remember these things, and anything else you like about yourself on the good days and use those thoughts to get through the storms that life will inevitably throw at you.
What other qualities do you have that make you awesome? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Some of my favorite quotes! Thanks for sharing the reminder.
love this!
This is awesome! And these are exactly what I tell my kids, especially when they start getting down on themselves because they failed at something. These are absolutely worth telling ourselves this every day:)
Definitely! We all make mistakes, they’re a part of the journey to success