Today I’m sharing a review of Cell 7, by Kerry Drewery, a book which I think explores a fascinating concept.
Blurb from The Back Cover
Should she live or die? You decide.
An adored celebrity has been killed. Sixteen-year-old Martha Honeydew was found holding a gun, standing over the body.
Now justice must prevail.
The general public will decide whether Martha is innocent or guilty by viewing daily episodes of the hugely popular TV show, Death is Justice, the only TV show that gives the power of life and death decisions – all for the price of a premium rate phone call.
Martha has admitted to the crime. But is she guilty? Or is reality more complicated than the images that are shown on TV?
My Thoughts on The Book
Cell 7 is the story of Martha as she makes her way through the new justice system. Held for seven days, Martha starts out in cell 1, making her way to cell 7 by the end of the week, where, if she is found guilty, she will be executed on live TV.
It was interesting reading about Martha and how she deals with this set-up. We also get flashes of Martha’s life from before the murder happened and we really get to know her. She’s a relatable, likeable character that you end up rooting for.
On the base level, the book is well written and enjoyable, but for me, it was more than just the story. It looks at mob mentality, how we view celebrities vs how we view poor people, and perhaps most relevant to today’s society, it explores the media and the way they generally present only the evidence which agrees with their own take on something.
Cell 7 explored how a system which in theory gives a better chance of a fair trial due to the fact it isn’t only twelve people deciding your fate is actually horribly skewed. For example, the richer people in society can vote as many times as they choose to. For the poorest members of society, those who are most often accused of crimes in the story, a premium rate phone call isn’t something they can do time and time again.
And of course, it shows us how the show itself can influence people. Someone presenting evidence they don’t like? Cut to a commercial break.
Cell 7 isn’t afraid to explore the possibilities of this system being abused, including the inhumane treatment of the prisoners.
Conclusion and Rating
I loved Cell 7. It is in equal parts entertaining and thought provoking and it will keep you hooked until the end. 5/5
Cell 7 is available now.
Have you read Cell 7? What did you think? Let me know in the comments
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Ooh. This book sounds really intriguing. I like concepts like this that you think ‘that’ll never happen’ but then the more you read on, you realise it really could happen. Sounds like a good find.
It’s a brilliant read. And that’s exactly how it is – I started off thinking it would never happen, but as the book went on, I could totally see how it would!
That sounds like an interesting read. This isn’t typically my kind of book but it sounds like something I could possibly get into. Thanks for sharing your review with us Debbie! #anythinggoes
It’s a good read, I think you would enjoy it if you gave it a go
I have only recently become aware of privilege, in the sense of white privilege or male privilege and financial privilege is another thing that really makes my blood boil.
I love it when a book explores how the system is flawed but when I have finished the 503489 books that I have on the go, I might give it a read! #anythinggoes
Yes, it bothers me too so much!
I just might go out and get this book now! Sounds like something I would really get into and enjoy for sure! #anythinggoes
It’s a fab read!
Sounds like an interesting concept especially in this world of social media and technology! I hope this isn’t where our justice system is headed! #anythinggoes
Hopefully not, but I wouldn’t rule anything out at the minute!
It sounds like a really interesting plot. Almost like Big Brother but your vote has life or death consequences.
I’ll definitely add this to my (ever growing) reading list
It’s fab and I like the Big Bro comparison! My reading list gets longer every day lol