Who knew the Liebster Award was still doing the rounds? I certainly didn’t until I was tagged in it by the lovely Nick from Nick Wilford, Speculative Author. Thanks Nick.
The Rules
- Say thank you to the person who nominated you.
- Answer the 11 questions they asked.
- Nominate 11 people and ask them 11 questions of your own.
Nick’s Questions
1 If you were to write a historical novel, which time period would you pick and why?
The twenties. I love everything about the twenties – it looks so glamorous.
2 Have you ever taken a creative writing class and what did you learn? If not, would you consider it?
I haven’t. I know people who have who said it was well worth it, but I believe you can’t teach creativity. You either have it, or you don’t. That doesn’t mean I’d rule out a course on something more geared towards the publishing and marketing side of things though.
3 Describe one thing from your everyday life that inspires you.
People tend to inspire me. Overhearing snippets of every day conversations and imagining how they play out, what happens next etc. I have had a few story ideas this way.
4 What’s your social media outlet of choice and why do you enjoy it?
I love Twitter. I love the fast pace and the fact you can join in a conversation with a stranger and no one thinks it’s weird.
5 What’s the maddest thing you’ve done when researching a story?
I haven’t really done anything mad yet, but I would love to attend an exorcism to get a look at how they work in real life to incorporate that into a story at some point.
6 Pick a favourite book character and give one question you’d like to ask them.
I would love to ask Bonnie Bennett from The Vampire Diaries how she didn’t notice that Katherine hadn’t passed through her and therefore wasn’t dead. She would have noticed. There’s no way she wouldn’t have.
Admittedly I haven’t actually read the books, I’ve only watched the show so perhaps this was explained in the books. If it was, someone please enlighten me, because it still bothers me now.
7 What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I always wanted to be a writer, but I never really believed it would happen. For more on that, check out my guest post on Cuddle Fairy. I also at one point wanted to be a teacher, then a clinical psychologist.
8 Describe one ambition you would still like to achieve.
I’d love to have a book of mine be published by a traditional publisher. Although I love the control self-publishing gives me, I think it would be pretty awesome to have one of my books in a real store.
9 What was the last book to make a big impression on you?
The Stranger in My Home by Adele Parks was the last book to leave me whirling after the ending.
10 Name one musical artist that inspires you and say why.
I’m no musician so I really don’t have anyone who wants me to go out and make music, but I often listen to The Foo Fighters when I’m writing and somehow their music makes me write faster.
11 Have you ever been lost and what was the outcome of the situation?
I’ve been really lost twice that I can remember (although it’s probably more).
The first time was as a teenager, myself and a group of others went on a trip with our local youth club. We were meant to be doing a walk in the country for some reason I can’t remember now.
Some of us decided to “lose” the adults and meet back up with them later. We ended up much more lost than we ever planned and ended up a good few miles away from where were meant to be. We were lost for over three hours. I finally decided to call my parents when we wandered into a village (this was before we all had mobile phones and saying that doesn’t make me feel old at all!) and they arranged for us to be collected.
The youth club was on the verge of requesting the police helicopter come and find us.
I know this sounds bad and we kind of asked for trouble, but in fairness, there was eight of us missing out of a group of twelve and the leaders didn’t notice until we were so far away that they couldn’t find us.
The second time was in Rome on a college trip. Me and another girl hopped on a bus to go exploring and ended up with no idea how to get back to our hotel (and of course we didn’t know which street it was on).
We weren’t in a particularly touristy place and no one could understand us when we asked for help. Eventually, we bumped into two American lads who luckily were staying in the hotel next to ours and they told us which bus to get on to get back,and very kindly escorted us to the bus stop.
My Questions and Nominations
1. If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
2. If you could interview anyone, alive or dead, for your blog who would it be and why?
3. What are your 3 handbag (or pocket) essentials?
4. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing (not including people and pets) what would it be and why?
5. If someone offered you £1 million to be filmed 24/7 for a month (including bathing, toilet, sex, the works) and be put on YouTube would you do it?
6. True love or unlimited money?
7. If you could go time travel 10 years into your future and see yourself, but be unable to change the outcome, would you do it and why?
8. At what age would you say you were happiest?
9. If you could change 1 thing about your life what would it be and why?
10. What is your all time favourite post you’ve written on your blog?
11. Sweet or savoury?
If you would like to answer the questions, consider yourself nominated.
Thanks again for the nomination Nick – I loved the questions you asked.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Congrats on getting this fun award.
Thank you 🙂