Welcome to the very first Blogger’s Corner, an interview series which will take place every Sunday* and will feature a fab blogger each week.
If you would like to take part, send me an email: debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk If your blog is newer than six months old, let me know in the email – the Blogger Spotlight series is for you.
*I know it’s Saturday but I’d already scheduled this one when I decided to host it on Sundays.
1 Introduce yourself
Hey, I’m Megan, but I like to be called Meg.
I’m a blogger, marketer, social media person and overall creative from Devon, but currently living in London trying to pursue my career!
2 Tell us a bit about your blog
Well my blog really reflects my personality in that it has a bit of everything. I love writing and I always have done.
When it comes to putting pen to paper, or fingers to a keyboard? I love to share all my thoughts, from healthy living and food, to travelling, tips, and even sometimes mental health and dreams of mine, like going to Australia.
3 What can readers learn from your blog?
They can learn that deep down we are all the same and going through similar issues growing up. I want to inspire people to be themselves and to enjoy it.
I hope by sharing my true self that others will also have the confidence to do so to. And also it’s so important to show imperfection, as I feel “the perfect life or person” can be portrayed as damaging in the online world. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their struggles and that’s ok.
4 What’s your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing about blogging is reaching the wider community. I love helping and talking to new people and even if only one person reads my blog and can relate to it, then that makes it all worth it.
5 And your least favourite thing about blogging?
Like I mentioned in question three, the fact that people can appear so happy and even superficial. I see bloggers being put down for sharing certain things and that’s not ok.
They are choosing to be so brave in sharing their thoughts online so why would they be put down for that? Overall people should have the same respect for others online as they do in person.
6 Tell us one random fact about you
When I was younger my dad took us to New York and it was my first long haul flight and I got so anxious and scared I started walking up and down the plane (like Marge Simpson) crying that I wanted to get off. But in the end I was fine – kinda. Hahaha, I’ve been fine flying ever since.
7 If you could only blog about one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
I would blog about authenticity, what it is to be human and how to stay true to yourself and love yourself in a world full of confusion and suffering.
8 What was the hardest part of starting your blog and why?
The hardest part at the start and it still remains today is, do people even want to read what I’m writing about?
There’s always that self-doubt in the back of my mind after each post goes up. It’s also very vulnerable when you expose yourself in a piece of writing that suddenly goes live online and all you can do is sit back and see what happens.
9 If you could give new bloggers one piece of advice, what would it be?
Stick it out for the long haul. Growing an audience and getting that recognition doesn’t happen overnight.
I’m still working my butt off trying to get the views! But if you think what you have is good, brand-worthy and positive to read then just keep at it, keep shouting out and eventually you will get to where you want to be!
10 Is there anything you know now that you wish you’d known in the beginning?
Yes, to develop my brand and my voice. And maybe to stick to one theme or topic. That way it’s easier to attract a certain audience, people interested in make up or fashion aren’t going to want to read about travel and vice versa, so I try to keep it lifestyle related.
11 Do you have any long term goals for your blog?
Well my long term goals are just to get more of an audience and to gain connections with people that want to keep coming back, people that relate to me and want to know more.
I would love to expand my blog and keep working on my brand to make it better for me and for the readers.
12 Who’s your blogging hero?
I don’t really have one person but I love looking at other lifestyle/travel related blogs. They really inspire me and make me want to do more and write more.
13 What’s your favourite social media network and why?
That’s a really hard one, because I am a very creative visual person I absolutely love Pinterest but I don’t really see the social media benefits of it. I use it more for personal stuff.
I love Twitter as it’s great to connect with people on a 121 basis. So it’ll have to be Twitter.
14 Where can we find you?
My blog, Twitter and Instagram.
15 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit about me and hope you will come and check out my blog!
Meg x
Thank you for sharing!
Blogger's Corner Interviews: 10 of My Favourites So Far - My Random Musings
[…] Meg from Meg Stroud […]