As you all know, I have a bit of a book obsession, so I was pretty happy to be tagged in the book buying tag by the lovely Debbie from My Eclectic Reads – thanks Debbie.
Where do you buy your books?
I mostly order books off Amazon (although I’m still not a fan of Kindle and tend to order paperbacks). I love Waterstones but we don’t have one in my home town so it’s only when I’m out of town. I also buy plenty of books from Asda as they usually have good offers on.
Do you ever pre-order books and if so, do you do this in-store or online?
I usually only do this if it’s the next instalment in a series I’m reading, otherwise I just wait for it to be released. I do it online.
On average, how many books do you buy a month?
Too many. Probably around six or seven in an average month. This would explain why my “to read” pile is always bigger than my “read” pile.
Do you use your local library?
I have a library card and I used to use my local library a lot, but I haven’t been in ages. I really should start up again.
What is your opinion on library books?
I love them. What a great way to encourage people to read more when you can borrow your favourite books for free. I think it’s especially important for parents who might struggle to buy books for their children to use their library and introduce their children to a love of books.
How do you feel about second-hand books?
I don’t mind them, as long as they are clean and in a reasonable condition.
Do you keep your TBR pile on your main bookshelf, or no?
I would need an actual library to have all of my books on a book shelf. I keep the books I’ve already read in the storage area underneath my bed, and my to be read list sits in a closet where I can easily grab them.
Do you plan to read all of the books you own?
Of course or I wouldn’t have bought them.
What do you do with books you feel you will never read/did not enjoy?
I don’t buy books I would never read. If I didn’t enjoy the book and would never re-read it, it tends to get pushed to the back of the pile or passed on to someone who I think would read it.
Have you ever donated books?
I used to regularly take old books to charity shops, but then I’d often get the urge to re-read a certain book and have to go out and buy it again.
Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
I sometimes say silly things like “I’m not buying any new books until I’ve read all of the ones I have”. It usually lasts a day or two.
Do you feel that you buy too many books?
Is there such a thing as too many books?
If you want to take part in the tag, consider yourself nominated. Don’t forget to tweet me your posts so I can read your answers.
Are you a book obsessed with books? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Love your story about books! /thank you for sharing!
I do love a good book, though i’ve always been quite bad a reading. Many of the books I have are of the technical nature but there are one or two authors I love.
Most of the books I buy these days are on Kindle. One of the reasons is that, if its a tech book which I find difficult to keep my interest, I can use text to speech on phone and have it read to me.
That said, sometimes its just nice to have the feel and look of paper
I’m the opposite – if it’s something technical and someone is reading it out, I tend to switch off lol
Some fantastic answers.
I’ve got to admit I’m a bit of a Kindle convert at the minute due to reading quite a few ARC’s but I still love a good paperback.
Thank you 🙂 I really should force myself to do Kindle but I guess I’m old fashioned when it comes to books lol