As you probably all know, this coming weekend is BlogOn.
This will be my first ever blogging conference and I am a mix of excited and nervous (although more excited).
As I’ve never been to a conference before, I don’t really know what to expect, but I’m sure it will be great. Laura (the organiser of BlogOn) has set up a Facebook group where she shares all of the information about the conference which has been a fab help for me to get to know some others who are attending and try to work out what to expect.
The theme of the conference is Christmas. I adore Christmas so I know I’m going to love it, and I’ll come away like an excited child only to remember it’s still three months away.
What I’m Worried About
I should probably be slightly worried about being alone in a place full of bloggers who I’ve never met, but to be honest, I’m almost ok with this one. Bloggers are generally pretty friendly, and lots of other people will be in the same boat.
The thing that’s worrying me the most (and it’s so stupid) is that I somehow get on he wrong train. In fairness, it’s not a completely unfounded worry as I’ve done this before.
I keep telling myself that the worst thing that can happen is I look a little stupid when the ticket person tells me I’m on the wrong train and I have to get off at the next station and back track.
What I’m Excited About
This part far outweighs my train issues:
- Meeting up with the bloggers I chat to regularly
- Meeting up with bloggers who are new to me and finding a whole load of new blogs to check out
- Spending a couple of nights at the Holiday Inn which is always good
- Facing this ridiculous fear of getting horribly lost
- Learning some tips and tricks from the pros
- Socialising!
- Really, everything about it
The Sessions I’m Looking Forward To
There’s a brilliant mix of sessions to suit everyone. It’s been really hard choosing the ones I want to go to the most.
These are the ones I think I’ll be attending:
Session One: Live Media Pack Building
Session Two: I am still completely torn between the Instagram one and the monetization one, although I think I’m leaning towards the Instagram one.
Session Three: I’m probably going to skip this session and do a bit of networking.
Session Four: Camera Shy
Session Five: Comps 101
Almost Prepared
I still have a couple of bits and bobs I need to sort out, but I’m mostly organised an ready to go.
I’ve got my personalised stationary, my dress for the day and my new business cards. I’ve also got one of those portable USBย phone chargers.
I’ve even convinced myself that bringing a suitcase isn’t a wind up to initiate newbies and if it is, I’ll get over it.
So if you see anyone wandering around the conference (or indeed Manchester) looking hopelessly lost,ย it’s most likely me. Do pop over and say hello.
Who’s going to BlogOn? Let me know in the comments ๐
You can find me here: Twitterย Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Have fun.
Thank you ๐
Sounds exciting! And you are going to have so much fun. It’ll be a blast.
I completely relate to your concerns, though. I’ve been lost so many times. It’s never fun, but it’s a triumph when you finally find your way.
You’ve got this, Debbie!
I’m really looking forward to it. If all else fails I can frantically Google directions lol.
Thank you ๐
I wish I was going too, I think we’d have good fun together! That’s a good idea taking a bit of time to network instead of one of the sessions. Enjoy it and if you do get lost there’s a great story for another post ๐
It would have been great to meet you! Haha true – I’ll try to remember that if it happens ๐
I hadn’t heard about BlogOn, but I almost never attend conventions of any type. (I just attended my first comic convention in over twenty years.) It sounds like this experience will be great for you, though, and I hope you share stories with your readers after you return. Have fun… even if you do get lost on your way there.
I will definitely be writing about the experience (including how many times I get lost lol)
Have a great time, I can’t wait to hear all about it! #BloggerClubUK
Have a great time! It sounds really exciting and something I’d love to do in the future #BloggerClubUK
Have a fabulous time ๐ Wish I was going! #BloggerClubUK
Have a lot of fun, Debbie! You can DO this. One day, when I’m not working, I would love to go to one of these events. They sound really fun. #bloggerclubuk
Thank you ๐ I’m mostly excited now rather than nervous so that’s a good thing ๐
Wow that sounds awesome. I didn’t even know there was a conference but then again i’m just a newbie :o) Would love to hear how it goes and any great tips you get. all the best #bloggerclubuk
This is my first one so there’ll definitely be follow up posts ๐
Have fun. Hope to go next year
It was great, would definitely recommend it!
Love the dress! Am sitting in my hotel room now waiting to head down to the launch party! See you this weekend! #bloggerclubuk
It was great to meet you ๐ As you’ll now know, I didn’t end up wearing the dress lol
Aw I’m so jealous that I wasn’t there – it looked like a really fabulous event from what I saw on social media. I can’t wait to hear what you thought of it!! xx
It was really good, I’m so glad I went. Gutted you couldn’t be there x
Its was great to finally meet you, even if we had a couple too many the night before! lol. Maybe next time we should do it without a conference and invite Becky. Although lets stick to the hotel bar if the tequila is coming out! x
It was lovely to finally meet you too! Yes, we should definitely all meet up and yes the tequila is definitely coming out too play haha ๐ I’m amazed I didn’t feel rough the day of the conference, no idea how I dodged that bullet!