Welcome to the Author Interview. This time, it features the lovely Phil Drake, author of The Arrival.
If you’re an author who’d like to take part in the series, email me: debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk
Now over to Phil:
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
I was born in Southampton, England in 1973.
I’ve always had an interest in writing and even as a young child I was always conjuring up stories and filling them with colourful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen.
Since then, I’ve progressed to formulating longer and more complex stories and sharing them with much larger audiences.
2 Tell us a little bit about your books
I currently have one non-fiction and three fiction books on sale, with another non-fiction book ready for release in the next few weeks.
When it comes to fiction I love writing horror and dark fiction, although I tend to avoid too much gore and instead concentrate on the psychological side of the genre.
My first collection, Tales with a Twist is a short e-book collection of short stories and flash fiction with a twist at the end.
My second fiction book, The Arrival is a short e-book gothic horror set in Wales.
My third fiction book, Dark Window, is a collection of seven longer stories in the dark fiction genre and is available in both paperback and eBook formats.
My solitary non-fiction book to date is The Spooky South, which details some of the most haunted places in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, and again it is available as both an eBook and a paperback.
3 Where do you find your inspiration for your books?
My fiction writing has definitely been influenced by TV shows such as The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits and Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected.
I love how their stories draw you in, lead you in one direction only to surprise you at the end. It is something that I always try to do with my stories.
4 What, for you, is the best thing about being a writer?
The best thing for me is the ability to lose myself in the fictional world I have created. I have total control over the characters and their actions. It makes me feel like a God.
5 And the worst?
Constantly being asked, “How’s the book going?” by those who know that I am writing a book.
6 If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
I would have to go with super speed, that way I could write more books in a shorter time.
7 Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to write their first book?
Just get the first draft down. It doesn’t matter if it is rubbish. Once it is done, you’ll have something to work on and fine tune in drafts two, three, four… etc.
8 Tell us one random fact about you
I once applied to MI5 to be a spy. I wasn’t successful.
9 Who is your favourite author?
That’s a tough one, but I am going to go with Stephen King, with an honourable mention to the late James Herbert.
10 And your favourite book(s)?
Most Stephen King books, although he has written a few turkeys in his time. I guess my absolute favourite has to be Christine.
11 What book are you reading right now?
Stephen King goes to the Movies. A collection of his short stories that have been adapted for the big screen and each story has a little introduction where Mr King shares his thoughts on the adaptation compared to the original story.
12 Where is your favourite place to write?
When the weather is nice, the New Forest is a lovely place to write.
13 Do you prefer to write in silence or do you have a writing soundtrack?
It usually has to be silence, although I have occasionally listened to a relaxing thunderstorm soundtrack I happened to come across on YouTube one day.
14 What can we expect from you next?
My next book is out in a few weeks and is a sporting memoir entitled To Be a Saint.
As a devotee of Southampton Football Club for the past 30 years, I decided to share my experiences with a wider audience.
As for fiction, I have already started my next book, 37 Raven Street, which introduces a paranormal investigator, Harry Fleet, and an investigative journalist, Amelia Swanson.
I hope to have a series of books involving these two characters in the future.
15 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
If you read any of my books and like them then please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads so other people can discover my works.
16 Where can we find you? (Links to your Amazon page and social media)
Thank you for sharing.
Great. I love the super power. If we could all get things done faster. #AnythingGoes
Love this! #anythinggoes
Hi Phil!
I reckon you might have been successful when you applied for MI5, but for obvious reasons you have to lie!
PR x
I live in the south so definitely want to read the book on spooky places close by! #anythinggoes