Welcome to the Blogger Spotlight Interview. This week we have Christy from Welsh Mum of One taking part in the Blogger Spotlight interview.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me randommusings29@gmail.com
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
My name is Christy (aka Welsh Mum) and I live in Cardiff. I’m 34 years old and have been married for 9 years.
After 8 years of infertility treatment due to PCOS, endometriosis and an autoimmune condition, we finally have our baby boy William who was born in April this year.
My husband and I own an exotic pet shop and I’ve been working with reptiles for 16 years.
We have a German Shepherd dog and two cats – a Bengal and a Ragdoll – and are very much interested in animals, nature and wildlife which I try to incorporate into William’s life and into our travels.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog is called “Welsh Mum of One”.
I love Wales and strongly identify as Welsh and due to my health problems, it looks like our little boy is going to be our only one, so it seemed a fitting name.
I’m writing about mental health problems (I suffer from anxiety), how to cope with pregnancy and physical problems and general parenting (as I figure it out and what I experience).
I’m hoping my readers can learn along with us and we can all share advice on this long journey ahead.
I’m showcasing the local area of South Wales and where is good to visit or eat out with a baby/children, and documenting any travel that I do as well.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I’ve always enjoyed writing and I have written a lot of reviews/blogged about hobbies before (video gaming and books, I’m a bit of a geek).
Parenting is something completely different.
I also wanted to write down some of my mental and physical health experiences as a form of personal therapy – but also to raise awareness.
For example, when I was diagnosed with my autoimmune I had never heard of it before and even scouring the internet and support forums I only talked to one person whilst pregnant who was also pregnant with it at the time and neither us really felt we had the support we needed.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
My goals are just to keep writing, to form connections with other folks online and see where it takes me.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I’m a big fan of fantasy books and I’ve been working on a book for years that I hope to one day finally finish and get published.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
The best piece of advice I received so far is don’t look at the numbers when you’re starting up. They’re going to be low, and it can be disheartening to think “I spent 5 hours on this and only 1 person has ever seen it.”
I was told to just keep writing and enjoying the process whilst I get started so that’s what I’ve been doing.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing is just the feeling of writing and getting my thoughts down on the page – but a close second favourite is the other blogging friends I have already made on Twitter.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I went self hosted from the start and some people suggest that it’s better to do this once you have a more established readership, but I’m not sure if I would change that to be honest.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I’d just like to share my gratitude and appreciation for bloggers like yourself who are supporting new folks with posts like this, and everyone on Twitter who has given me inspiration, advice and support so far.
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
You can find me on my blog – http://www.welshmum.co.uk
Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/welshmumofone
Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/welshmum
Thank you for sharing.