I love a good quote, especially those ones that make you nod your head in agreement.
Here are five quotes that will get you fired up to succeed:
Believe you can and you’re halfway there
Nothing amazing ever happens in your comfort zone
Don’t ruin today by dwelling on yesterday’s mistakes – own them, learn from them and move on from them
It all begins and ends in the mind – what we give power to has power over us
You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it
Which quote is your favourite? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Great words! Thank you for sharing!
Nothing amazing ever happens in your comfort zone.
I love it all begins and ends in the mind. I truly believe this. When people get into a negative mindset, they view everything differently than they would if they were in a positive mindset. Alter your mindset, it’s the only thing you can control and it will change your perception of everything around you. #AnythingGoes
Couldn’t agree more!
What a great set of quotes to read on a Monday morning. I like all of them! They’ll set me up for the week.
I have doubted at times that I am strong enough to live through some of the things that happened to me, although I always believed that I would rather them happen to me than some other innocent person. Yet it is true I lived through it, I fought to live, somehow a strength came from within. Some great quotes #anythinggoes
We often don’t know just how strong we are until we find ourselves in bad times.
Love these positive quotes – set me up for the day! x
Nothing amazing ever happens in your comfort zone – so true! Thank you for sharing these, really got me ready for the week #anythinggoes
Oh I do love a good quote to motivate me especially when it’s so dark and dreary Monday morning #anythinggoes
A nice little boot in the butt his Monday morning! #anythinggoes
I love motivational quotes and love all of these. My favourite that I like at the moment is
“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.‘
Love that one!
Some quotes to live by. I especially love the one about not dwelling on yesterdays mistakes. Something I bet we’ve all been guilty of from time to time
I like the one about nothing amazing happening in the comfort zone. It is so true! You gotta put yourself out there.
Thanks for sharing – these are fab.
This one is my favourite
Don’t ruin today by dwelling on yesterday’s mistakes – own them, learn from them and move on from them
So much time is wasted on the “what if’s”. #AnythingGoes
The latter. So true.
Wow, these are great, perfect for saving as pictures on my phone for easy access / affirmations.
I think my favourite of these is “It all begins and ends in the mind – what we give power to has power over us”. Obviously life can throw some shit at us, but we do have a choice in how we deal with these things mentally. I’m not saying it’s easy though, and I don’t mean that you can just “cheer yourself up” to get out of real depression or other mental illness. x
No, I don’t for a second think telling someone with depression to “just cheer up” is a good idea. I think it’s a good idea for someone with mental health issues to try to stay as positive as they can, in the same way as anyone struggling with an illness, but being positive isn’t enough to “cure” the illness, again in the same way as any other illness x
These are fab – i love the last one! #BloggersClubUK
Fab words, I think they’re all great ones to live by! #bloggerclubuk
I love the last quote about strength! I have a Bob Marley quote tattooed on my arm that says ‘You don’t know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice’…
Great quote, so true. Love the idea of having a quote as a tattoo
Love the first one. It’s all about belief isn’t it.
Love the one which says amazing happens outside our comfort zone! so true!
I do enjoy a good motivational quote. My favourite from these is
“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it” – enough said really #BloggerClubUK
I like the one about our mind giving something power, that can be positive or negative, a god one to remember. #bloggerclubuk
Beautiful quotes. Thanks for sharing. #bloggerclubuk
Thank you for sharing this! Definitely needed an uplift during a stressful week before vacation.
Yep definitely agree with getting out of your comfort zone, sometimes the hardest thing to do but also the most rewarding X #bloggersclubuk
LOVE the first one. Believe you can and you’re half way there. #anythinggoes
“It all begins in the mind…” because it truly does. Our thoughts have so much effect on our wellbeing, our goals and success. #bloggerclubuk
I like the middle one best; I think that it is so important not to dwell on the past but learn from it and move on. #bloggercubuk
I love the second one – every time I step outside that comfort zone I learn loads and usually enjoy loads too. All great quotes to live by #AnythingGoes
For me stepping out of your comfort zone stands out. #bloggerclubuk
What we give power to has power over us – so important to remember that we are responsible for how we feel and what happens to us! #Bloggerclubuk
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