1. My goal was to learn to be less goal-focused. Sometimes ‘drive’ can be twisted (especially in corporate/workplace spheres) to keep people on a treadmill, with the reward ever out of reach.
    My goal is now to step off the treadmill and have the confidence to set my own goals – and be really choosy about what I set.
    Worth noting that being able to do this is a privilege – not everyone has the resources (for example digital poverty – no computer = harder to get work, harder to earn enough to buy one), time etc to prioritise things that are not just ‘surviving day to day’ and that’s not them being lazy or not driven, that’s sadly our unfair society.

  2. Rosie Digout

    The biggest life lesson that I ever learned was that everything was a choice. It was up to me to decide who I wanted to be.

  3. Great Post. I thought this myself lately. When my daughter goes to nursery this year. I am going to focus more on my writing, as I love it I may do a uni course. #bloggersclubuk x

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