Welcome to the Blogger Spotlight Interview. This week we have Emma from Ettie and Me taking part.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me randommusings29@gmail.com
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Hey I’m Emma, fire marshal, PA and all round entertainer to a scrummy little human, my year old daughter Ettie.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog, Ettie and Me, is a UK family and lifestyle blog focusing on all things motherhood and home renovation.
The focus of the blog tends to vary depending on where we are with different projects around the house, so if there’s nothing exciting happening I’ll talk more about the adventures I get up to with my daughter or my general observations on motherhood. But if were renovating a particular room I may talk about the process or give a room makeover post. I also talk about fashion, beauty, days out and small brands.
I’m an avid supporter of small brands, particularly those created and developed by mothers. I include a small section on my site dedicated to Amazing Mamas and their beautiful Insta shops. This is an area I’m hoping to expand more in the future.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I started Ettie and Me because I love to write and wanted to give the creative side of my brain a little workout. I’ve always kept a diary, particularly when we’ve been travelling as I love to record our adventures.
Unfortunately, my travel diaries tend to be on scrappy pieces of paper or water damaged notebooks that have fallen into the sea. I figured I was much less likely to lose or damage a blog (I hope) so here we are.
I also wanted to document life with my daughter. I want her to be able to look back at my blog when she’s older and see all of the fun we’ve had.
Now I’ve caught the bug, I really enjoy it and do it more for a hobby than anything else. I love connecting with new mums too. The blogging community are all so lovely.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
First and foremost, I want to use my blog as a tool for supporting other mums, either through the provision of advice or the support of new mums starting out in business.
I’d also like to make a little pocket money from my blog in the long run, which wasn’t my intention initially but I’ve invested so much time and effort into it, it would be nice to see a reward.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I was once in a Stereophonics music video
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Be yourself. It’s so easy to get distracted by other blogs that have amazing content and beautiful pictures. But sometimes looking at what others are doing can prevent you from getting creative and stepping outside of your comfort zone.
My best advice would be to read other blogs and enjoy them but don’t compare yourself to them. If you want to blog, do it for your own enjoyment. Ignore the fact that anyone else will read it; just focus on your thoughts, ideas, opinions and figure out how to put them into words.
That way, it’s more likely that your own personality will shine through and it’s personalities people relate to, rather than just pretty pictures. Each and every one of us is different in our own way and that’s why blogging is so diverse.
My favourite blogging moto is: ‘Write like no-one’s reading’
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I love being creative and meeting other mum friends through the blogging community. Blogging has also introduced me to some amazing opportunities which I wouldn’t have experienced if I didn’t do what I do.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
If you’re thinking about starting a blog, think long and hard about its name.
I wish I’d known how complicated it would be to change my blog name – actually changing the name would be easy, it’s the rebuilding of stats that would be a nightmare.
I chose the name ‘Ettie and Me’ as I wanted to get going quickly, and Ettie is the most important thing in my life, but actually I’ve been a bit narrow minded for when other children come along. I guess we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
9 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
You can find us over at my blog, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
I love her quote: write like no one s reading!