Welcome to the Blogger Spotlight Interview. This week we have Amanda from Mummy 2 Twindividuals taking part.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me randommusings29@gmail.com
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Hi everyone, I’m Amanda. I live in Leicestershire, right in the centre of England with my husband and three year old twin girls. We struggled for years to conceive but finally we have the family we dreamed of.
At the moment, I’m lucky enough to be a SAHM and I’m loving the freedom that’s giving me and my family.
I’m organised, reliable and a chocoholic.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
I blog over at Mummy 2 Twindividuals where I write about parenting twins and family lifestyle with a good helping of crafts, baking and fun outings thrown in.
I chose this name as my girls are incredibly different and their ‘twindividuality’ is something I actively encourage.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
Last Christmas, I gave up my teaching job to stay at home with my girls full time. At first it was just a fun creative outlet. Blogging was something just for me that gave me a focus other than just being Jessica and Emily’s mummy. It was also a great way to document our life and share our journey.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
Maybe it’s a pipe dream but I’d love to find a way to make money from my writing. I’ve realised how much I enjoy the process and I’d love to turn my hobby into a business. When me girls start preschool in a few months, I plan to dedicate more time to growing my audience and monetising.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
Before my husband and I got married, we went on a year long adventure around Asia and Australia. For months, we lived in a yellow campervan dubbed ‘the yellow submarine’ that was older than both of us. One of my best memories is the spontaneous sky dive we took near Byron Bay.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Content is King but publicity is Queen. I’m not sure where I read this but it’s stuck with me. Now, I always remember that as much as I need to produce high quality content that people want to read, I also need to get it out there.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
At the moment, it’s is having full control of my own little space online. It’s my small platform where I can write about whatever I want.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
Probably not. To be honest, if I knew then what I know now, I’m not sure I would have even started. Blogging is fantastic but it is so incredibly time consuming. The tech side of things has also been a challenge but I’ve learnt so much. I’m glad the information has come along in small, digestible bits. To have been given it all at the start would have been totally overwhelming.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
One of my favourite quotes is “Kindness is free. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.” If we were all kinder to one another and ourselves, the world would be a better place.
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
Thank you for sharing.
Love the title of your blog…Twindividuals is so on target.