When people find out that I’m an author, so many of them tell me that they want to write a book. When I tell them to go for it, they have a list of excuses for why they can’t right now.
I’m sure some of these are genuine, but I’m equally sure that a lot of them aren’t – they’re excuses that people convince themselves are true because they’re afraid to really go for it.
If this is you, here are three reasons not to let that fear hold you back anymore and start your book today:
Someone Else Might Beat You to It
Imagine how gutted you will feel if someone else writes the book idea you had in mind before you do. This is much more of a concern with non-fiction, but it can still happen in fiction.
If you’ve spotted a gap in the market for a unique book, then other people will spot it too. Act now and be the one to fill it.
You Have Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain
What have you got to lose by writing your book? If you decide, after giving it a decent shot, that writing isn’t for you, then stop. You’ve lost nothing.
But what if you fall in love with it? What if you write the next bestseller?
You have so much to gain from writing your book, even if it ends up as being nothing more than the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel at seeing it through.
You Owe It to Yourself to Do It
If you really are serious about wanting to write a book, then you owe it to yourself to make the time and do it. There’s nothing worse than having regrets in life, and if you know in your heart of hearts that you’ll regret not writing your book, then you owe it to yourself to make sure you never feel that way about your book.
Do you have a book in you? What’s putting you off starting to write it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Your first reason’s my favorite. I can’t count the times I’ve procrastinated, only to see someone with a similar idea get there’s published, or made into a movie, etc. In fact, even when I’m proceeding relatively swiftly with a project, it seems like someone beats me to it.
It’s happened to me a few times too and it’s soooo frustrating, especially if you’re already working on it and then have to change it all so it doesn’t look like you copied
Only thing that ever stops me is the fact that I never finish anything. Getting it started is the easy part, but I find it nearly impossible to find a way to make a good conclusion to everything. Keeping it going to even get to that point is difficult. But you’re right, they’re probably all just excuses!
Try to make a schedule detailing how many words you will write per day and then stick to it and you’ll reach your goal. Push yourself to do your daily words, even if you don’t want to.
I need to make time to write an e-book I had an idea for when writing content for one of my blogs in January.
Go for it!
Very good reasons to start writing. 😉