Welcome to the Blogger Spotlight Interview. This week we have Bee from The Lupie Mummy taking part.
If you would like to take part, and your blog is under six months old, or has been re-launched in the last six months, please email me randommusings29@gmail.com
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
I am Bee, I live in Somerset with my partner and 16-month-old son.
We moved to Somerset from Kent four months ago and we are still adjusting to a new area and the challenges that relocation likes to throw into the mix. I love where we are living, we are surrounded by beautiful countryside and just a 35-minute drive to the sea, so we have the best of both worlds.
We are lucky enough to live close to Westbay (Broadchurch) and Lyme Regis, two very beautiful beaches, which I just love to visit as often as possible.
2 What is your blog’s name and what is it about?
My blog’s name is ‘The Lupie Mummy’.
It’s about my life as a forty-something first time mummy and how I juggle being a parent with living with a disability. I have Lupus (SLE), which is an autoimmune disease, for which there is no cure; I plan to share some of the ups and downs of this within my blog and how it impacts upon being a parent.
My son is referred to as Pumpkin throughout my blog, I have chosen not to use his real name or use his photograph within my blog until he is old enough to decide for himself whether he wants me to. If I was to ask him at the moment, the answer would be a firm “No” as we are going through the “No” stage.
3 Why did you decide to start a blog?
I had been thinking about writing a blog for a few years, but I had many excuses as to why I didn’t start it, when in all honesty, it was my self-confidence that was standing in the way as I hadn’t shared my writing with anyone before and to share it so publicly was a big step to take. When I became a mum, I found a new found confidence (with a little help from my partner) and took the leap.
4 Do you have any goals for your blog?
At the moment, I am just enjoying writing, building an audience and doing some product reviews. I am really enjoying working with other bloggers and companies that are as excited about their blogs/products as I am about my blog.
In the future, I would love to see it somehow become a career, but I would be equally happy for it to continue how it is going at the moment.
5 Tell us one random fact about you
I used to help run paranormal investigations at haunted locations across the UK. There was something very special about being able to explore a castle or a Tudor mansion in the middle of the night and feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
6 What is the best piece of blog related advice you have received so far?
Write about what you enjoy and remember why you started blogging. If you are not enjoying it anymore, take a look back at your first posts to remember where you came from and try to rekindle that passion again.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I am enjoying the fact that there is so much to learn about blogging, I am still naïve about a lot of things and luckily there is a great blogging community that are willing to offer advice to get me on the right track.
8 Is there anything you would do differently if you were starting over knowing what you know now?
I would probably try to be more organised when starting and not try to do everything in one go. I keep telling myself to focus on one area and not everything…but then the next day I am trying to cover all bases and beginning to wonder what on earth I am doing. I would love to have a blog mentor.
9 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
I would offer one more bit of advice and that is, not to compare yourself to other bloggers especially when it’s the time of the month when DA score are updated. It is disheartening when others are climbing and my blog is not moving, but I try to remember they were new once too and we all have to start somewhere and that I am still here trying to work out how to make it climb and one day that number will change (hopefully).
10 Where can we find you? (blog link and links to any social media)
My blog, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Thank you for having me as part of your Q&A series!
You’re welcome, thanks for taking part 🙂