Welcome to this year’s A-Z Blogging Challenge. My theme for this year is character prompts. Each day throughout April, you’ll find a new character prompt that relates to that day’s letter.
Day Eight: H – Harold
Your character meets a man named Harold.
Who is Harold? Is he a friend or an enemy? A love interest?
What’s different about Harold?
How does your character interact with him?
What does Harold bring to the story and show about your character?
By the end of the interaction, does your character feel the same way about Harold? If so, why? If not, what changed and how does your character feel about the change?
I’d love to read some of the scenarios you create. Email them to me at debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk and I’ll share some of my favourites over the coming months here on the blog.
If you enjoy these exercises and you want more creative writing prompts, writing tips and support, join The Writer’s Den group on Facebook now.
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LOL Harold
Hari OM
There was this bloke called Harold. The one I met – not one of the zillions with that name. The one I met that night at the supermarket. Stacking shelves. Him. Not me. I needed the sauce which was on the top shelf. The one out of reach. I asked the stacker if he’d mind very much reaching it down for me. I’d have to use my walking stick otherwise.
Harold – I could see his nameplate now – reached down to the top shelf and then kneeled most politely to hand it to me. He could have dropped it into my basket, or on my head. But no, he knelt and looked at the floor.
“Thank you, Harold.” I thought he’d jump out of his skin at the use of his name. That double-tall kid blushed and shuffled on his knees.
“Stand tall, Harold, just as I do. It’s not to do with height, you know…” He looked me in the eye, did Harold, and took himself up to his full self. He smiled the smile of a thousand suns and I walked taller for having met him.
&*> YAM xx
Lovely meeting
Sorry, but no character in anything I write is ever likely to be called Harold! Unless I’m writing a story about King Harold ofEngland fighting the Norman conquerors… Hey, maybe that star on the bayeux tapestry we all thought was Halley’s Comet was actually a spaceship come to rescue him, leaving a fake body below…
Sounds like a fab place to start 🙂
Harold is the father of my protagonist! He just got married to an awful woman that my protagonist hates. 🙂
Ooh sounds fun!
Oppsies daisies..
I know a harold in real and i could only picture him. He is a colleague whom i have to fight like every other day over emails.
oh dear!
The name Harold makes me smile – it always reminds me of one of those cheery old gents who get chatting to you in the supermarket queue 🙂
I also linked up to Anything Goes – first time in ages – I’m going to visit more often!
H for Hang on to your Dreams
It kind of does me as well now you’ve mentioned it lol. Great to have you link up
I’m so glad I refound you! I remembered your great writing prompts but couldn’t remember who had written them! I think my Harold will have the serendipitous experience of finding someone he was looking for, losing them and randomly finding them again. Perhaps this is his character trait–it doesn’t happen just once. It happens for him so often that he becomes very lackadaisical about people he should value.
I’m glad too 🙂 Oh I love that idea, so many possibilities with it!
Nice challenge! It’s always good to understand the character first so you can see what they’ll do in different circumstances.
It’s amazing how just a name can mean so much in terms of who a character is. Great prompt!
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer