Welcome to this year’s A-Z Blogging Challenge. My theme for this year is character prompts. Each day throughout April, you’ll find a new character prompt that relates to that day’s letter.
Day Fourteen: N – Never Grow Old
Your character finds the secret to immortality. They won’t grow old, won’t die and won’t ever be ill again.
Do they take it? Why or why not?
Do they regret the decision or are they happy about it?
If they take it, how would that change their character? Would they be more reckless because they can’t die?
What would change in their day to day lives and relationships?
What would your character’s fears be if they became immortal?
I’d love to read some of the scenarios you create. Email them to me at debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk and I’ll share some of my favourites over the coming months here on the blog.
If you enjoy these exercises and you want more creative writing prompts, writing tips and support, join The Writer’s Den group on Facebook now.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Hari OM
Phew… that’s intense – adding this to the growing list! here we are in the second half. Am flagging, but still going! YAM xx
I once came up with a concept called “The Gift” that I never turned into an actual story.
There’s a man who’s in a hospital bed, presumably dying. A close friend of only a few years visits him, and the “dying” man tells her that he will not die, because he is immortal. He has been for roughly three hundred years, ever since he was given the so-called “gift” of immortality by another man.
However, the hospitalized man hates being immortal, for various reasons… which he tells his friend at length. The only way the immortal can die is if he passes on this gift to another human. In fact, that’s how the hospitalized man became immortal in the first place. The man who passed on this gift wanted to grow old and die.
By this point, the immortal has told his friend all the reasons he no longer wants this immortality. But then he turns around and asks her if she is a “good enough” friend to accept the gift from him, freeing him to die while saddling her with the burden.
What do you think?
I love it. It has so much potential as a story and I’d definitely like to read it if you ever do write it
Hmmm, I guess that would depend on if their loved one(s) could also be immortal. Otherwise, no, nope, nopety nope.
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer
Even if you’re not writing, this is really fun to think about for yourself. I think I would like to be immortal for a short time, have a bit of fun with it, but not forever! #bloggerclubUK
I think it would be good as long as you’re not the only one
Hi, if I was to consider this I think it would greatly depend on my friends and family having the same opportunity. If not it’s a no from me #bloggerclubuk
Oh this is such an interesting prompt! I really must give these a go and get some of my creative juices flowing again! #BloggerClubUK
Ooo. I love the idea of these character prompts. I think I might have to go back and give them a go! #bloggerclubuk
This reminds me of the book Tuck Everlasting. Good book. This is an old quest! I think I would take it! #bloggerclubUK
Oh that’s a great one….would I take it? I’m not sure I would tbh. I would love to ‘see’ history being made but I would miss all my loved ones, #bloggerclubuk
Prompts make my head spin with so many ideas! You have great questions for writing prompts. So thorough and so many ways to go! Brilliant!
Thank you 🙂
This is such a great A-Z series I love the prompts #bloggerclubuk
I have so much admiration for you and all the other bloggers who take on these daily blogging challenges #BloggerClubUK
I’m really enjoying it but I’m soooo behind on my commenting!
My initial reaction was: surely everyone would take it. But after thinking about it, I wouldn’t! I wouldn’t want to be without everyone I loved. #bloggerclubuk