Welcome to this year’s A-Z Blogging Challenge. My theme for this year is character prompts. Each day throughout April, you’ll find a new character prompt that relates to that day’s letter.
Day Seven: G – Google Search
Your character Googles themselves and finds someone using their details. They think the person is using their picture too but then they find a lot of pictures in places they’ve never been and with people they’ve never met.
How does you character react to their doppleganger? Does it scare them or are they intrigued?
Do they contact the person?
Do they find an explanation? If so, what is it? How do they feel about it?
I’d love to read some of the scenarios you create. Email them to me at debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk and I’ll share some of my favourites over the coming months here on the blog.
If you enjoy these exercises and you want more creative writing prompts, writing tips and support, join The Writer’s Den group on Facebook now.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
I’ve googled myself a couple of times. There are other people out there with my name. Who’d have thought!
Well that was an interesting one – I watched an episode on Elementary that involved dopplegangers and it was really thought provoking. The whole idea freaks me out a bit because I think we all like to believe that we’re unique.
G for Give More
Thank you 🙂 In one sense, it is really disturbing, but in another I think it would be quite fascinating to meet your doppleganger
My name is too common, there are so many near matches when I Google myself, but at least my blog does appear in there sometimes!
Hari Om
Mine is a rather singular name so it would indeed be spooky to find an identity doppelganger. However, I do have two known physical dg’s; one in Edinburgh and the other in Sydney… I saw my Sydney one once… perhaps there are only so many ‘moulds’ after all!!! YAM xx
It would be amazing to meet them – surreal, but amazing! x
A googled doppleganger! Sounds exciting!
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer
It is definitely interest to self-google, and see what’s out there. Similarly, Linked-in the first place to go to for anything work or job related.
Maybe its the same person from another dimension or within.
Ripped from the headlines. Great prompt.
Nice Blog! Good Luck with the A-Z Challenge. Zulu Delta
Thank you 🙂
I am not sure. My character would at least try to contact them.