1. Hari OM
    It was only a minute but what a minute it was. Now she entered it fully and found it already changed. How so? The cup should definitely have been in front of him. She just put it there…

    Plan B. Shift by three minutes. Done. He entered the room back in real time… where was the blasted cup? This was impossible.

    Wait, no. That must be it. She’d dialled back not forward. How could she not have noticed that having lived those minutes already? Do it again. One minute ahead. Just wait there, why not? What difference does a minute make? Keep eyes on the cup.

    Where is he? The red end-session light blinked. In came the assessor. “Failed. You forwarded an hour. Now come back with me and we’ll start time again.”

    YAM xx

  2. Varad

    Time travel! Wow! So many places to go and so many points of history to be at. But if it comes to one single pick, I’d want to see the exact moment of Big Bang (preferably witnessing the spectacle from the insides of a humongous spaceship stocked for fifty years at least)

  3. Since nobody’s actually done it yet — okay, okay, nobody’s done it that we know of — there are a lot of stories about what would happen if someone went back in time and attempted to change the past. I think I’d be afraid of trying to change anything… but I’d certainly try to find a “safe” way to do so.

    I was working on a series once called “Time Share.” A handful of men decide to separately go back in time using a machine that one of these men has invented. Each man wants to “save” a different woman. The women in each individual story would be based on someone from history, “based on” so the story could end any way I wanted it to. There’d be someone based on Jean Harlow, someone based on Anne Frank, someone based on Janis Joplin, etc. The only rule that the men had agreed on between themselves was that no one could try to save Marilyn Monroe, because if she were allowed, they’d all want to do it!

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