1. Hari OM
    Willow wished to be wealthy,
    then she wished it was worldwide
    then she wished to be healthy
    and watched the world balance with pride
    Her wishes had worked so well
    as her own and the world’s coffers rose
    then one day the wishes they fell
    as all need for striving it froze
    For where was now the purpose
    each morning for mankind to rise?
    Now Willow wished for some recourse
    and that she’d wished instead to be wise.
    YAM xx

  2. My charecter’s wishes are
    1. Her are her family being happy, healthy wealthy and together always
    I think one wish fulfills all 😛
    one loveable dreamy charecter who just wants to be happy

  3. Oh this one had my mind racing. It made me think of Aladdin first, and then what if there was no limit to her wishes, but in return something bad would happen like she forget a memory like in Never Ending Story or each wish she made (making her life better) brought bad luck to her family & friends – as the universes way of balancing things out. #BloggerClubUK

  4. Wish #1 – Space. Space to think, sit quietly and not be focusing on being mummy/marketing director/wife/chef/cleaner. A place where it is quiet and no one asks for things. She feels her very sanity may need this.

    Wish #2 – Patience.

    Wish #3 – The ability to care less. To do what is possible and accept that sometimes it won’t be perfect.


  5. Wishes always have unforeseen consequences don’t they? Like if you wished for your family to be happy what if they would be happiest without you in it?! I think the rain is making me pessimistic today! #bloggerclubUK

  6. Spectrum Mum

    Is it a bit like the fairy tale wish where at the end all the wished evaporate but we are left realising how lucky we really are? #BloggerClubUK

  7. Kim - The Blog Genie

    I’ve really enjoyed reading the comments on your writing prompts posts over this last month #BloggerClubUK

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