Welcome to this year’s A-Z Blogging Challenge. My theme for this year is character prompts. Each day throughout April, you’ll find a new character prompt that relates to that day’s letter.
Day Two: B – Burglar Alert
Your character wakes up in the middle of the night and hears someone moving around downstairs.
How does it make them feel?
How do they react?
Do they confront the intruder? If so, what happens?
I’d love to read some of the scenarios you create. Email them to me at debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk and I’ll share some of my favourites over the coming months here on the blog.
If you enjoy these exercises and you want more creative writing prompts, writing tips and support, join The Writer’s Den group on Facebook now.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Hari OM
Not fair, you are a tease, I will not be able to resist tackling each and every challenge within the challenge!!! YAM xx
Jock grabbed the bedside torch and slipped out his room to the top of the stairs. Whoever was down there didn’t know who they were dealing with. The old soldier still had his instincts about him. Those days and nights in the Vietnam swamps taught him oodles about dealing with slinky sods like these.
Down the steps he crept, torch lifted and pointed like a gun. He was sweating now, just like in Nam. He could still feel that fetid, steamy paddy.
The buggers were cheeky, they even had the light on and were boiling the kettle. Taking a deep breath, Jock banged the door open. Elsie was stood there, sugar half way to the mug.
“Och Jock mon, ye gave me a fright. Are you having one of your moments darlin’?”
His long-suffering wife made a mug of tea for him too, and he stopped quaking.
Bloody Nam.
Haha sorry! Love this though 🙂
More great prompts!
Characters Prompt. Interesting.New ideas to help me with my writing!
Interesting prompt. Reminded me of a dream I had
Maybe i should try my hand at a short story with this prompt
Go for it!
Oh My this one is seriously interesting and I think Yamini did full justice to it 😉
I loved the prompt. Thanks 🙂
Will try to write an interesting story it soon.
That’s a great prompt and I would love to include this in my micro-fiction sometime soon.
Love Yamini’s take on the prompt!! 🙂
Thank you 🙂 I loved Yamini’s take on it too
In my story they’d hide under the covers – or jump out the nearest window and run. That’s based on how cowardly I’d be in that situation – I’d never be the protagonist fighting the intruder!
B for Believe in Yourself
Haha probably give them a better chance of survival though lol
VEry interesting! I’d love to do it once A to Z gets over. Bookmarking for now.
This is a fun idea for the A to Z Challenge. I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep tonight thinking about a burglar creeping about 🙂
Great prompt! I look forward to writing some. 🙂
Jayden R. Vincente
Erotic Fiction Writer
This is a good exercise for all sorts of alerts.
Nice take to the prompt
Hello, Nice Blog! Good Luck on the A-Z challenge! Zulu Delta
I’m hungry so I read this as burger alert first. LOL!
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Sorry, I imagine it was quite a let down then haha