As writers, people say all we need is our imaginations. I love this sentiment, but it’s not entirely true. An idea is great, and of course essential, but what about all of those other things we need?
Here are 8 things all writers need in their lives.
Pens to Carry Around
It’s all well and good having an idea, but what if you’re on the move and inspiration strikes? A pen in your pocket or handbag is a must.
I must admit, I’m not one for fancy pens. I love these Bic ones. They write much better than some of the expensive pens out there, and they’re cheap enough that if you lose a couple, you won’t care.
Again, it’s handy to have a notebook to carry around for when inspiration strikes. I also like a notebook to hand when I’m writing so I can jot down ideas for plot points rather than having to open up a new document to put them in. There’s something inspiring about handwritten notes.
I rather like these.
A Laptop
A laptop is much more convenient than a desktop computer, for the simple reason you can take it wherever you go – even if it’s just a different room in your house. Sometimes a change of scenery really gets those creative juices flowing.
I’ve tried lots of laptops, and the only ones I’ve ever had that have lasted more than a year (yes, I’m on them a lot) are Acer ones. I’m loving my current one, the Acer Aspire (it’s almost two years old and still going strong touch wood).
Lots of Coffee
When I’m really in the zone, I often work ridiculously late into the night. I’m a night owl anyway, but I really do push it when I’m working on a novel. Coffee is a must.
Lots of Water
To balance out the coffee, I also try to drink lots of water when I’m writing. I find water boring though and I struggle to force it down, so I mostly buy Volvic Touch of Fruit (get the sugar free one – the normal one has almost as much sugar as a can of Coke).
Healthy Snacks
There’s nothing more annoying than having to stop writing to find something to eat. It can be tempting to reach for convenience food, but that’s not doing your body any favours. Try to have a selection of healthy snacks to hand so you can graze without disturbing your writing.
Inspiring Playlist
If the words aren’t flowing, a playlist of songs that get you fired up can be invaluable. Stick it on and write away. You’ll find my list of inspirational songs here if you want some ideas.
Books, Books and More Books
Reading is one of the most important things a writer can do. Whether you’re reading books to help you hone your craft, or reading fiction books in your main writing genre to be inspired, reading can teach us so much about the written word.
What are your essential items as a writer? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Hari OM
Well, I’m allergic to coffee and Voovoo the Vaio is in her eighth year with me, but otherwise, I agree!!! I do like a good cuppa though; Twinings or Clipper teas mostly, regular and herbal. Currently, my faves are twinings leaf tea with Rose (very special afternoon pickup) and Clipper All Purpose Organic for the morning. In the evening it’s Rhubarb and Peach by the London Tea Company… having this variety sets a ‘tone’ which aids the thinking process. That’s my reasoning and am sticking to it 8~/
YAM xx
Eight years?! Wow! I love the sound of the rhubarb and peach flavour tea.
…yes. Dear ol’ Voovoo – I bought her in India and she survived solid used in the heat and the dust for two years and has been around the globe with me since. She’s in use 20 hours out of 24 and every day of the year… but I do use a peripheral keyboard and mouse, which may have helped keep her healthy.
Here you go – it’s on special at the moment! YAM xx
I need a laptop like that lol 🙂 Thank you – I’ll go for a nosey in a bit! x
Actually, you seem to have pretty much covered it, mostly, anyway. Pen and paper, yes. A laptop, yes, although mine, being my only computer, mostly stays at home. It’s an Apple MacBook Pro, and I expect it to last a lot longer than two years! It already has, actually. 😁 To carry around, though, I have my trusty iPad. I bought one that has a SIM card, so I can go online without wifi. It is my ebook reader, my research corner, my dictionary and encyclopaedia (I subscribe to Britannica and have the app), my newspaper and my notebook. I write on it, wherever I am, check up stuff of which I’m uncertain. I also blog on it and play music or listen to the radio while I work. And unlike my laptop, it fits into my tote bag!
A local library is a must for me as well. In my case, it keeps me from distractions…
I wear mine out pretty quick (I’m usually on them 12+ hours a day lol). I like the idea of an iPad to carry around, much easier than a laptop!
I pretty much agree with your list of necessities, especially books. They definitely help one’s writing, and I’ve found that those who read a lot are much better spellers.
For many years, I always carried a pen and a small notebook. Now, although I still have a pen with me at all times, whenever I need to make a note, I send a text to my email address!
Oh I do that too (texting and/or emailing myself stuff) I thought I was the only one haha!
Sometimes I feel like I have too many notebooks but then I buy another and that feeling passes. #AnythingGoes
Haha love it!
I’d agree with all of these. But I’d replace coffee with tea! I can’t work without tea!
I’d add an open window nearby. I can’t think without billows of fresh air xx
Oh yes, great addition! x
definitely coffee, and a great sound track are on my list! Always helps to get the creativity flowing! #anythinggoes
Somewhere to write and some peace and quiet to do it?! Oh, and an idea for what you want to write about. Which is usually the hardest bit 🙂
Yes to all; especially coffee and reading is so important. Great list. #anythinggoes
I always have pens and something to write one. Never know when you will get an idea! #anythinggoes
I love this list! Yes to everything – although the laptop thing for me is my MacBook. I’ve had mine for more than 3 years now and it’s still going strong! 🙂
Oh nice one!
I have a close friend who is a writer and I don’t think the kids have a chance at back to school shopping when she goes in to get mounds of pens and notebooks!
Haha it has to be done!
Yes to coffee, boooks and notepad because you never know when a good idea may pop up 😉 X #anythinggoes
I certainly need to do more of the drinking of water than coffee and to experiment with listening to music methinks @AnythingGoes
I have everything but the healthy snacks. I try to have the healthy protein bars but they taste too dry. Grapes. Now that’s a great snack food! I love your list! Though I am considering getting an iPad so that it will be easier to carry with me though I don’t know how well they do with writing. I’m still looking into it. #anythinggoes
I must admit the healthy snacks don’t often work out for me either haha. I’ve never tried writing on an I Pad but a lot of people seem to get away with them.
I don’t have a laptop, but this is a great list. For me the biggies are a notebook to jot down ideas on the go, quiet, and time. The first is easier than the last two #anythinggoes
That’s for sure!
I’ll take everything but the coffee since I can’t drink that.
Hot chocolate instead maybe?
Yep, I agree with everything on the list. The only thing I’d add chocolate, m&m’s in particular… #AnythingGoes
oh good one!
Checking back in with #BloggerClubUK
Inspiration. Does that count? #AnythingGoes
Tea for me, please, but the rest is spot on! I am never anywhere without at least a notebook and pens.
Same here! Ideas often come at the weirdest times.
My essential? Cheerleaders. People who believe in you and love your work are so necessary. Writing can be a lonely gig, filled with self doubt, and every now and then, I just need someone to remind me I’m doing the right thing.
Yes, that’s a brilliant one – those people who support us are so important and can definitely be the difference between giving up or keeping pushing forward.
I have too many pens in my bag! #Anythinggoes
what is it about writing and snacks and for me a cup of tea, all seems to go so much better #bloggerclubuk
Definitely lots of pens! Mine tend to go walkabout quite frequently, perhaps something to do with my children?! And I have two notebooks, my posh one for taking to meetings, and a scribble type one! #BloggerClubUK
That’s all my bases covered! I always have to have pens and paper with me. I love a good notebook! And coffee, lots and lots of coffee…!
I have to admit I find my iPhone really useful now as I talk text content and ideas into in on notes. Great for getting ideas down quickly. #BloggerClubUK
I agree with most, except I don’t have a lap top, I actually text myself with ideas, phrases, overheard conversations … anything. I always have the phone with me so if something hits my on a beach walk, for example, I’m texting #BloggerClubUK
Haha I often text/email myself too
I’m a sucker for notebooks, although I don’t often carry one unless I know I’m going to be on a train or at an airport. I usualy tap out notes on my phone as a substitute. Music’s also a bigt part of my writing experience – both when I’m writing and also to block out the world when I’m just thinking about new ideas. #BloggerClubUK
I love the idea of using music to block out the world
I need pens and notebooks too and of course laptop. I especially like cute notebooks. Problem lately though is I keep changing my mind so I’ve been just using my laptop mostly. 🙂 #BloggerClubUK
I agree with a lot of these things. As a blogger I reply on having, at the very least, a pen and notebook with me at all times, especially on review days out. They’re necessary for jotting down important information. And I couldn’t live without my laptop! #bloggerclubuk
Yes to the laptop! A must! #bloggerclubUK
Definitely, need all of the above in my toolbox!
I always carry a notepad in my bag, you never know when an idea will pop up X #bloggerclubuk
For me it’s pens, notepad and lots of cups of tea #bloggerclubuk
No coffee here, but everything else, maybe I could become a writer!! #bloggerclubuk
I’m back with #BloggerClubUK and I have new notebooks! YAY!
Yayyy 🙂
Totally agree with all of these. Definitely the healthy snacks, it’s so tempting just to grab something quick when you’ve got a flow going. #BloggerClubUK
Some great tips here. I’m realising that a laptop is a necessity. It’s so hard to write on a phone!
Obviously I agree with coffee. Lots of coffee!
I really admire anyone who can write more than a text message on a phone – it drives me mad even responding to emails lol
Love all of these tips! I lose my notebooks though. A Lot! lol. Coming back again from #BloggerClubUK
Yes to stationery. Just as a good photographer has to hand their camera at all times a great writer needs their pens and notepads right? #BloggerClubUK
You have put a new laptop back on my agenda – keep putting it off in favour of bills but really do need one #BloggerClubUK
Tell yourself it’s a business essential (that’s how I justify it when I want a new one lol)
I can’t listen to music while writing. I know from past experience that I end up typing the lyrics (Hit Me Baby One More Time in a uni essay!) #bloggerclubuk