One thing I found through the A – Z Challenge where my theme was character prompts was that people really enjoyed them and so many people said they inspired them to write something.
With that in mind, I’ve created my first Facebook challenge – The 5 Day Flash Fiction Challenge.
Read on for all the details – I hope to see you there!
Want try your hand at writing fiction but keep coming up stumped on an idea?
Already write fiction but want to get out of your comfort zone and get those creative juices flowing?
Sound familiar?
Then the free 5 Day Flash Fiction Challenge is for you.
With a maximum word count of 250 words in any one challenge, it’s easy for even the busiest among us to fit it in and unlock our creative side.
Who knows – maybe this challenge will motivate and inspire you to go on to write the next big best seller!
The challenge will be starting on May 14th and will run for five days with each day’s challenge posted at 10am (UK time). Come and join us in The Writer’s Den Facebook group for the free challenge and more.
If you want to be among the first to learn about new challenges and courses, then pop your email address in below (no spam, I promise).
I can’t wait to start the challenge – join now and kick start your creative writing.
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Oh, well. I don’t do Facebook, or any other social; media (unless you count blogging).
I very rarely bother with my personal accounts anymore but I do enjoy connecting with other bloggers and my readers on social media.
I need to know your secret of how you got readers without social media in the beginning. It took me a few months to get around to using social media for my blog in the beginning and my views were barely into four figures!
Well, it’s not much of a “secret.”
Here goes: I started a blog ten years ago. A friend of mine suggested I check out his cousin’s blog. I did so, and in the process of leaving comments there, I encountered other bloggers. I checked out, then followed, their blogs, and they returned the favor. One of them suggested I participate in a meme called “Theme Thursday.” Through that I met more bloggers and got more followers. Over the years, I’ve lost followers but obtained new ones in other ways, like participating in the A to Z Challenges of 2014 and 2016. After all that, I’ve never had more than 100 people officially listed as followers. And out of that 90+, I’d estimate that only a third are still with me. I get a few hundred hits almost every day, though, and assume most come from internet searches. But I’ve never approached a four-figure audience.
Aren’t you sorry you asked, haha?
I wish I’d known that when I started. I just posted stuff and somehow expected people to know it was there lol. I’d have loved to have been getting a few hundred views per day back then!
Sounds like a fantastic challenge, if I wasn’t so sleep deprived with a newborn I’d certainly be up for it. #AnythingGoes
Checking back in, I agree I loved the A-Z challenge it was so thought provoking. #BloggerClubUK
Sounds awesome! I need to get to FB and check it out! #AnythingGoes
Thank you 🙂
Sounds like a fun challenge to get some ideas flowing! #anythinggoes
Thank you, hope to see you joining 🙂
This is a great idea – how fab for anyone wanting to write their first book!! xx
Thank you, hope you can join us 🙂
That sounds great – hope I can join in…
Be great to have you!
What a good idea for a challenge. I’ll pop over to take a look. #anythinggoes
just applied to join the FB group. actually just started writing some fiction again. I have a story that I’m planning on linking up here next week #anythinggoes
Oh I’m looking forward to reading it!
A great reminder that I need to start writing again soon…
Sounds like such a fun and interesting challenge! #anythinggoes
Sounds like a fab idea X #bloggerclubuk
Dropping by again from #bloggerclubuk
I really want to participate in this Debbie but my problem is that 250 words are too short for me lol. I keep trying to write short stories but always end up writing more and the next thing I know I’m in full on novel mode. I will try to do this if I can though. #anythinggoes
Feel free to go over – I choose very short pieces in case anyone new to writing fiction felt overwhelmed but don’t be put off by it! if one of the prompts inspires a novel I’d be thrilled 🙂
Awesome!! I will give it a shot
Sorry, forgot to tell you I’m coming from #Bloggerclubuk
Yayyy 🙂
Writing flash is such a good way of mixing things up and getting the creative juices flowing. There’s an art to being succinct. #BloggerClubUK
I really enjoy it and it always gets ideas flowing. Hope you’ll be joining in 🙂
This sounds like a lot of fun. #BloggerClubUK
It’s not too late to join in 🙂