If you were around in April, you’ll have seen that I took part in the A-Z Challenge and my theme was character prompts. I said in those posts that I would love to see some of the stories the prompts inspired in people.
Today I am sharing a story from the “F” prompt, Free Holiday. The story was written by the fab Donna from Mainly Write. Enjoy her story.
Free Holiday by Donna
“Win a two-week holiday for two,” was scrawled in green dry erase marker on a small whiteboard leaning against a clear jelly bean jar. Below that, in smaller print, but just as haphazardly written, it said “Guess the number of jelly beans in this jar”. The jar looked to hold about a gallon.
Beside the sign there was a pile of pastel pink index cards that had lines to fill in name, phone number and guess, and a small oak box with a slot at the top to deposit entries. I quickly filled out a card with the guess 930. Then I stuffed the card into the jar and left the store. I would probably win.
The following week, when I had just about forgotten the contest, my phone rang. I answered it, and an excited voice on the other end told me I’d won the jelly bean contest, and would be going on a wonderful holiday. I hadn’t even bothered to check where the holiday stay was. I had seen “holiday”, and that was all. I was in for a holiday. Did it matter where?
“Where will the wonderful holiday stay be?” I asked, still wondering if it really mattered. It was a holiday.
Yes, it turns out, it did.
The holiday would be at a campground in a remote corner of Maine, not too far from the remote corner in which I was currently residing. Oh, yay. This was going to be one of those recluse holidays, that someone from away would be thrilled with, where one would get lots of zen-like quiet, listen to birds and brooks, and have time to find oneself.
I could bring someone, though. It WAS a trip for two. I knew just who I’d bring. Rusty. Trusty Rusty. Rusty was always up for anything to do with trees and hiking…or birds and brooks. It would be hard sit quietly for long or “find myself” with Rusty around. I might need to find Rusty if there were many birds around.
Did you enjoy the story? Share your thoughts in the comments 🙂
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Hari OM
I liked the setup – very neat… though got a bit lost in the telling of the little pink cards; a little more telling of Rusty’s story might have been welcome… but it left something for the imagination. Am now picturing wandering in the wilds calling for Rusty! &*> YAM xx