As you all know by now, I love Michael Grant’s books, and Messenger of Fear is no exception.
Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant: My Review
Blurb from The Back Cover
He is the messenger and he offers you a game: Play or Pay.
“Who are you?”
That was the first question I asked the boy in front of me. The pale, solemn young man in the black coat with small silver skulls for buttons.
“Am I dead?”
“No. Not dead,” he told me.
But surely not quite alive either. How could I be? I remembered my name – Mara. But standing in that ghostly place, still shuddering at the memory of that creepy yellow mist that had awoken me in that strange, silent land, I could recall nothing else about myself.
And then the games began.
My Thoughts on The Book
I love the tone of voice Mara has. She narrates the story and shares her confusion with us as it goes along. It’s clear from the outset that Mara is a strong girl with strong opinions that she isn’t afraid to share. She is a welcome change from those female characters you want to shake.
At the start of the book, the reader is left as confused as Mara as to what is going on, and as she learns more, so do we. This is done really well and I think it really helps the reader to care about Mara and her fate.
The Messenger is a strange character – he does evil things, yet he doesn’t come across as evil in himself, and there’s something likeable about him beneath all of the mystery that shrouds his character.
Conclusion and Rating
I loved The Messenger of Fear and I can’t wait to read the next instalment in the series. If you want something a bit different with a female lead character who doesn’t irritate you, then Messenger of Fear is for you. 5/5.
You can grab a copy of Messenger of Fear here.
Have you read Messenger of Fear? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments
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This sounds great – a bit eerie – but a very clever concept! xx
Thus sounds like my type of book, I am going to write the title down X #anythinggoes
This looks so awesome! #AnythingGoes
Intriguing and unusual. I’m going to download it. Thank you
Oh sounds intriguing! Thanks for sharing. Definitely taking note of this one. #AnythingGoes
Checking back in with #BloggerClubUK
You made me smile talking about female characters that irritate you! Good to have a rating system too in book reviews #AnythingGoes
It really drives me mad when the female characters in books are annoying haha
Sounds really interesting. Loved the way you reviewed it, too. Makes it easy to decide what to read! #AnythingGoes
I love female characters that don’t irritate me. In part that’s why I came up with Sophie Morgan in mine. She’s not a stereotype. I am definitely going to seek this one out! Love the cover too. #BloggerClubUK
Same here – female characters that are annoying drive me mad!
Sounds interesting #BloggerClubUK
It certainly sounds interesting! I added it to my Amazon list:) #anythinggoes
I love when books put you in the same boat as the narrator. When you learn things together, it gives you a wonderful bond with the voice of the story!
Looks like an interesting read and glad the female lead is appealing #anythinggoes
It’s so refreshing to have a female character that I don’t want to shake lol