As we reach the mid-point in the year, it’s a good time to assess where you are with your yearly goals. But what if you do that and find that some of them have fallen by the wayside? The good news is it’s not too late to turn it back around and get back on track with your goals.
Follow the steps below to give yourself a mid-year ass kicking and get back into working on your goals.
Assess Your Goals
Take a look back over the goals you have set yourself for this year and split them into three sections:
- Section One: Ahead or on target
- Section Two: Started but a little bit behind
- Section Three: Not started
The next thing you need to do is re-strategise for the rest of the year. For this step, you can mostly ignore the goals that you are ahead of or on target to achieve – they’re working and probably don’t need a new strategy.
For the goals you have started on but fallen a little behind with, look at ways you can fit in the extra work you’ll need to do to make sure you hit the goal by the end of the year.
And finally, for the goals you haven’t started on yet (unless they’re time sensitive – like one of my goals is to complete #NaNoWriMo and obviously I can’t do that until November) work out whether they’re still important to you.
If they’re not, then it’s easy – let them go. No one wants to be spend time and energy working towards a goal they don’t care about. Either replace it with a new goal that is important to you, or dedicate that extra time to pushing on with your other goals.
If the goal is still important to you, then you will need to change the desired outcome.
So for example, if the goal was to write a blog post every day for the whole year, change it to writing a blog post every day from June-December. This will still get you into the habit of writing daily and waiting until next year to try again just means you’ve wasted six months.
This logic can be applied to any of your goals – it might be too late to get the full goal completed, but we’re only half way through the year, so there’s no reason you can’t get half of it completed.
Forgive Yourself and Move On
It can be tempting to start berating yourself for the goals that you haven’t yet started working on. That isn’t even a little bit helpful. Instead forgive yourself and use that anger at yourself to motivate you to make sure you do stick to your goals going forward.
Instead of focusing on what you didn’t do, focus on what you did do and take a moment to appreciate the work that has gone into your on track goals.
Have any of your goals fallen by the wayside? What do you plan to do to get back on track? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Want more tips on getting ahead on your goals? Pop your email address into the “never miss a post again” box on the right to make sure you catch all of my goal setting and motivational posts.
What do you say to someone too freakin’ lazy to even set any goals?
I’d say how do you do it haha. Seriously without goals I’d just be floundered around spending time on all the wrong things.
I can get so busy going that I don’t lift I head up to plan where I’m going. I need another 2 days a week! xx
Having completely over-done the goals last year, this year I didn’t set myself any. Next year I’ll do some but try and keep it realistic
It’s so disheartening when you set too many isn’t it
Very timely post. I am reassessing my goals for the next 6mths. Having a baby & sleep deprivation has thrown the first half of this year… #AnythingGoes
I’m all for reassessing goals and dreams. I also like your advice of forgiving yourself. #anythinggoes
Forgive and move on is a big one! Don’t let it beat you down. Get yourself back in the game and plug forward. #anythinggoes
Fabulous way to put your year into perspective. I was just looking over my New Year Resolutions and wanted to get a little refresh before we hit the half way point through the year.
Good reminder to reassess things and I like the reminder to go easy on ourselves too with forgiveness – too often we beat ourselves up with guilt instead of moving forwards positively one baby step at a time #AnythingGoes
It’s all too easy to beat ourselves up and then we never get back on track
For the first in 5 years, I am right on schedule with my targets. I can’t believe it! It’s such a great feeling to be adhering to my schedule and hitting my goals. #AnythingGoes
I love this! Well done on sticking to your schedule and hitting your goals 🙂
My mummy finds it hard to refocus and forgive herself at times and I’m sure it’s holding her back! Great tips and we’ll be sure to put some of these into practice x #AnythingGoes x
I hope she gives herself a break but it is so hard sometimes isn’t it! x
Forgiving yourself is so important. If you can’t do that then there’s no point! #AnythingGoes
Really good advice and sometimes you have to reassess and alter. It is all about the micro steps to reaching your ultimate goal X #anythinggoes
A fab post, great ideas. It really is important to forgive yourself too, great point. #AnythingGoes
I don’t think I’ve fallen just yet. I have been extremely busy though and it’s making me feel like I’m losing sight of my goals but when I go back to look at the timeline in which I gave myself to achieve those goals, I’m still on target. I love your tips Debbie! #anythinggoes
Fantastic that you’re still on target!
I needed this prompt to get back to working on my goals!! Thank you!
This is great advice. It’s always tough when we fall behind on goals. It’s discouraging!