Welcome to July’s Blogger’s Would You Rather.
Join in the fun and share your answers in the comments 🙂
Question One
Would you rather?
A) Have an engaged Facebook group
B) Have an engaged Facebook page
Question Two
Would you rather?
A) Have your blog images show up so tiny you can barely see them
B) Have your blog images show up so huge they take an age to load
Question Three
Would you rather?
A) Your blog’s security fail
B) Your blog’s back up fail
Don’t forget to share your answers in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
But very difficult questions!
BAB, but the choices were not easy ones to make!
These were hard ones weren’t they!
Hm. #1, neither, as I don’t do Facebook. #2, A, I suppose, because clicking on a blog image generally will give you a look at a larger version of the image. #3? Gee, that’s a toughie!
Haha it was meant to be tough!