I recently stumbled across a Would You Rather? book tag. It seems like a perfect fit for me as I already post a monthly Blogger’s Would You Rather series and I also love books. So I haven’t been tagged in it, but I’m doing it anyway. I can’t remember where I spotted it now as it was so long ago and I’ve just found it again on my laptop. I really should have noted down the blog when I noted down the questions.
You’ll find my answers below and then a clean copy of the questions at the end of the post so you can copy and paste them if you want to take part.
Would You Rather?
1 Only be able to read series’ or only be able to read stand-alone books?
Series’. While I enjoy a good stand-alone book, I love being able to fully immerse myself in a series.
2 Read a book whose main character is male or read a book whose main character female?
I honestly don’t mind as long as the character is well-written and isn’t just a stereotype of their gender.
3 Shop online or shop in an actual bookstore?
If I know what I’m looking for, then I prefer to shop online, but if I’m just browsing for inspiration, I prefer an actual bookstore. If I had to choose I would choose online because the choices are practically limitless.
4 All books become movies or all books become TV shows?
Unless they actually follow the book, I’d rather them not be butchered at all! I would choose a TV show though because it’s much longer than a movie so it means that not as much has to be cut and it’s more likely to retain the original plot.
5 Read five pages a day or read five books a week?
I’d love to be able to read five books a week, but in reality, no one has time for that so I’d have to choose only five pages a day – but I’d cheat 😉
6 Be a professional book reviewer or be an author?
I already do both and while I like writing book reviews, but I’d definitely choose to be an author.
7 Only get to read your favourite 20 books over and over again, or never be able to read them again?
This one is really tough because I often reread my favourite books, but I’d have to go with never being able to read them again. There are two reasons for this. Firstly there are soooo many new books I want to read, and secondly, being able to choose only twenty books to read again is just too hard.
8 Be a librarian or own a bookstore?
Own a bookstore.
9 Only be able to read your favourite author or only be able to read your favourite genre?
Favourite genre because that covers my favourite author too.
10 Only read physical books or only read eBooks?
Definitely physical books. I know that’s pretty old fashioned but nothing beats an actual book – the smell, the feel and the ease of reading it. I don’t even own a Kindle, although I have mellowed a little and got the app on my phone.
The Rules
1 Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog
2 Answer the questions on your blog
3 Tag ten other bloggers to do the tag
My Nominations
I know some bloggers love doing these tags and others really don’t so I’m not nominating anyone by name, but if you want to take part, then consider yourself nominated.
Clean Copy of the Questions If You’d Like to Join In
Only be able to read series’ or only be able to read stand-alone books?
Read a book whose main character is male or read a book whose main character female?
Shop online or shop in an actual bookstore?
All books become movies or all books become TV shows?
Read five pages a day or read five books a week?
Be a professional book reviewer or be an author?
Only get to read your favourite 20 books over and over again, or never be able to read them again?
Be a librarian or own a bookstore?
Only be able to read your favourite author or only be able to read your favourite genre?
Only read physical books or only read eBooks?
Will you be joining in? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
There’s something much nicer about the feel of an actual book, although I have to admit to reading the majority on Kindle these days. Browsing a bookshop is different too – kind of leads you to things you might not have considered.
I love wandering around book shops
Bookshops and libraries are my happy places but I’m doing more and more digital reading now #bloggerclubuk
I can’t imagine a time when I will be able to walk past a bookshop without going in!
Library is one of my favorite places to be, so calming.and wonderful X #bloggerclubuk
I love actual books but tend to read things on my Kindle as you can adjust the text size.
That’s a great feature so you can set it to be a comfortable size for you.
So interesting to read other people’s preferences when it comes to books. I’m very much a stand alone book type person as I just don’t have the attention span anymore to focus on anything more., It must be an age thing! #bloggerclubuk
If I really like the characters and the premise of the book, I often find a stand alone doesn’t give me enough closure lol
I love the smell of books! I too would rather own a book store! I love to read. Great questions. #anythinggoes
It’s lovely to read your answers to these questions. I’m a book lover and some may say hoarder but I think I’m getting better releasing them. #BloggerClubUK
Fun tag!
I would always choose a real book. Like you say, it’s the smell but also seeing how much there is left. The anticipation!
I would love to own a book store with a cafe in it. #anythinggoes
I definitely prefer real books and bookshops, although shopping online is very convenient! #bloggerclubuk