Do you ever just feel in the mood to write, but realise you don’t have a plot idea? It’s so frustrating having to spend your writing time coming up with a premise, especially if your writing time is limited.
Below you will find five horror story prompts to get you started on your story.
1. Your character looks in the mirror to find their reflection has disappeared. In the distance of the reflection, a hooded figure beckons.
2. Your character visits an art gallery. They spot a cordoned off section, and something makes them step over the rope and enter. Each painting shows a stranger’s face, twisted in a scream. The last painting is their face.
3. Your character comes home and spots an unfamiliar device on the table. There are no signs anyone has been in. As they debate what to do, the devices begins to buzz.
4. Your character moves into a new house. They awake in the middle of the night to hear their baby crying. They get out of bed and stumble from the room. And that’s when they remember; their baby died.
5. Your character starts to hear a voice in their head. A voice that has only one purpose. Murder.
I would love to read some of the stories you all come up with from the prompts. If you try your hand at one of these, why not send me your short story, poem, or an extract from your novel or novella and I will share some of my favourites here on the blog. Email your stories to
Which prompt would you most like to write about? Which one would you most like to read about? Let me know in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Very cool, Debbie. I like the art gallery one–that inspires me. I’m going to share these prompts with my former creative writing students. If they come up with anything, I’ll let you know.
Thank you 🙂 Oh I’d love to hear about anything they come up with!
Pinning this for later. Sometimes we all need some inspiration. #BloggerClubUK
What creative ideas! Not sure I am a horror fan at all but then again might be a fun exercise to try writing some. #BloggerClubUK
Sometimes writing in a different genre is a good way to just let go and have some fun with it!
These are really good and so useful when you can’t think how to start writing something. I really like the first one, as soon as I read it I had loads of ideas flood into my mind about how the story could develop #BloggerClubUK
I love that it got your ideas flowing!
You are so good at this! You should come teach creative writing at my school! #bloggerclubUK
Thank you 🙂 I’d love to do something like that!
I love your prompts Debbie! I’m no writer though #BloggerClubUK
Thank you 🙂 Try it, you might surprise yourself 🙂
Very interesting and intriguing plots. I get scared easily so I’m not that into horror but I can imagine how these plots can get really suspenseful. #BloggerClubUK
Excellent idea to get you started X #bloggerclubuk
I am hoping to have a go at writing something soon so these prompts are a great place to start, thanks! #bloggerclubuk
I hope they help 🙂
Number 4 was so spooky. I would definitely not be able to watch a movie based on a book about that. #AnythingGoes
these are all great ideas. I’ve been thinking that its about time I wrote some fiction again #anythinggoes