Have you ever dreaded an event you now you should be looking forward to because you don’t feel confident? I know I have. There’s always that underlying dread that you’ll say or do something stupid and end up embarrassing yourself.
And you know what? There’s a fair chance that a lot of the other people at the event are feeling the exact same way as you are inside, but they now how to hide it.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “fake it until you make it”. It’s such a good phrase when it comes to confidence, because confidence is one of those things that you can fake. And as you fake your confidence, you’ll see that actually, you’re not embarrassing yourself and people do want to talk to you. And somewhere along the way, you’ll realise that you’re no longer faking it.
Here are seven things to do to make yourself appear confident – even when you’re not.
This is such an obvious one, but it’s one that’s easy to forget when your stomach is in knots and your palms are sweaty. A smile makes you seem approachable and happy, which gives the impression of confidence.
It almost means that if you’re at an event where people don’t really know each other, people will be more likely to talk to you if you look friendly.
When you’re talking, try to project your voice rather than muttering. This doesn’t mean you should yell, but try to speak at a normal conversational volume, or maybe a little louder depending on the background noise. Muttering not only makes you look awkward, it also makes it uncomfortable for those talking to you who have to constantly ask you to repeat yourself.
Stand or Sit up Straight
Slouching can make you look like you’re trying to fold in on yourself. It can also make you look disinterested and that’s probably not the image you’re going for.
A confident person stands or sits tall, comfortable in their own skin. If this is difficult for you, try to roll your shoulders back and hold your stomach in just a little to instantly stop you from slouching.
Don’t Fidget
This one can be really hard. I tend to play with a strand of my hair, or a piece of jewellery (I do this even when I’m totally comfortable as it’s more of a habit than anything). Needing to constantly pull at your clothes, or moving your hands in and out of each other is a sign that you’re uncomfortable. It can detract from anything you are saying making it appear that people aren’t listening to you (they are, they’re just focusing on the movement) which can lead to your confident level dropping even further.
Stand or sit with your hands clasped in front of you to avoid the temptation to fidget.
Make Eye Contact
When you’re talking to someone, make eye contact with them. This is a sure sign that you’re a confident person, as those who aren’t tend to look at the floor, the sky, the walls, literally anything but the person they’re talking to. If holding eye contact feels creepy (like you’re staring at the person), flick your eyes around their face, taking in each eye, their mouth and then back again. Pause your gaze on each for a second or two so it doesn’t look like your eyes are rolling.
Pause When You’re Speaking
When we’re nervous, we tend to babble. Making a conscious effort to pause between sentences can stop you from doing this, and make it sound like you’re speaking confidently, even if you’re a blubbering wreck inside.
Speak Slowly
Like the point above, nerves tend to make people talk faster, even to the point where your sentences become garbled and all of your words run into one. Try to speak slowly and clearly. A plus point of this one is that it helps to stop you blurting out something inappropriate without thinking it through.
These little tricks might sound like they’re too subtle to make any difference, but they really can help you to come across as someone who is confident in any social or professional environment.
Do you suffer from a lack of confidence in social situations? If so, share some of your tips for appearing confident when you’re not in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Great advice!
Thank you 🙂
I think smiling is the best for others and for you!!
Me too, can brighten someone’s day x
These are great tips. I have very high confidence, but I know it can be a struggle for people, especially in a new situation with strangers. #AnythingGoes
Definitely. Generally speaking, I am pretty confident too, but I think we all have days where we don’t feel it.
I agree with all of these. I have always been told – fake it til you make it. Smiling can trigger hormones even when you aren’t feeling that happy! xx
I’m a big fan of fake it til you make it! x
I think we’ve all been in this position at some point in our lives. These are handy and easy tips to remember. Thanks for sharing and hosting #AnythingGoes
I totally agree – even the most confident people can have days where they’re not feeling it. Thank you 🙂
I am so socially awkward so this helpful for me. I must remember to chill with the fidgeting, I look like I have ants in my pants X #anythinggoes
Hope it helps! x
All good tips that we inherently know, but that are easily forgotten.
Great advice. Being a teacher people expect me to be confident especially when making presentations, but I am not. Standing in front of 30 children is definitely easy than adults.
Oh I’d take the adults any day haha kids have no filter lol
I agree, when you’re “on point” and alert, you tend to look more in control and more ready to help or give expertise. #AnythingGoes
I try to avoid events that make me uncomfortable and have missed out a lot in life.
Great advice, Debbie.
Some great tips here – I really struggle with social anxiety and find that one thing that works for me really well is to force myself to walk up to the first group of people and introduce myself – if I leave it and sit on the sidelines I find myself becoming stressed and then end up hating the event.
That’s a good tactic – the longer you wait, the harder it becomes
These are great tips. I’m fine with people I don’t know if it’s just a group of 3 or 4 people but anything bigger and I just clam up and get so nervous. Everyone else always looks so confident but I’m sure it’s just because a lot of them know how to fake it better! #bloggerclubuk
I always feel like I’m awkward or weird in big groups but everyone always says I can talk to anyone. I am totally faking it haha
Fake it till you make it! #bloggerclubUK
This is me pretty much all the time at work but I’ve learned to do all these things you’ve mentioned, so well in fact that people don’t believe that I get too anxious to go to social events outside work.
A really great post
Thank you 🙂 Sounds like you’ve got it nailed!
Great tips, I do normally struggle in social situations and if I can I drink alcohol which helps but not always possible so will defiantly be following some of these tips.
These are great tips and sometimes I do use them in my everyday life in situations when I need that extra inner confidence x #BloggerClubUK
Feeling confident makes such a powerful difference to how we experience things. I have found confidence well into my 40s and these tips help #BloggerClubUK
It’s great that you’ve found your confidence 🙂
I always speak too fast and it is so obvious that I’m nervous! I’ll try to remember these at BlogOn this month to bravely go and talk to people! #bloggerclubuk
Gutted I’m missing it, I’ll hopefully see you at the May one. Have a great time 🙂
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