I might be a little biased here because I love #NaNoWriMo – it’s a great motivator to get out a reasonable chunk of a first draft. It always bothers me when I see writers trying to dissuade new writers from taking part on the grounds it’s not possible to get a saleable novel from it.
I’m just going to say it – that’s absolute rubbish. Apart from the fact that saying this is just dashing someone’s enthusiasm, I don’t understand why they even think it’s true. Sure not everyone can write that quickly, but a lot of people can, and just because it’s not their thing, doesn’t mean it can’t work for someone else.
Two of my own books started their lives as #NaNo projects, and yes, they got edited and parts were rewritten afterwards, but that’s true of every book, however the first draft comes about.
Here are five ways to make #NaNoWriMo work for you and get a saleable novel out of it:
Plan Ahead
I have to hold my hands up here and admit that when I’m writing for myself (as opposed to for a client), I like to go in blind, start writing with an idea of where it might go and see where the characters take me.
Having said that, if this is your first time doing #NaNo and you haven’t written lots of words this quickly before, planning ahead can keep you on track with your book and stop you from sitting staring at a blank screen.
Make it A Priority
Make writing daily a priority on your to-do list the same as you would for any task you want to get done. Bear I mind that while 50,000 words sounds a lot, if you write daily, it’s only 1,667 words per day. That sounds much more manageable right?
Choose a time slot that works for you and do your very best to make it happen every day.
Don’t Give Up If You Get Behind
This seems contradictory to the point above, but the truth is, sometimes things come up. Yes, this should be a priority if you really want to hit the target word count, but if real life gets in the way, then don’t get upset about it or give up.
Get back into it as soon as you can. Maybe you’ll catch up and smash 50K and maybe you won’t, but 30K or even 20K is still better than 0K.
No Editing
it can be tempting to go back over a scene or two and try to tweak it and get it just perfect. #NaNo isn’t the time for that. This is a time to pour your story down and get it all out. You will have plenty of time to perfect it all when the month is over.
If it’s really bothering you and you’re worried you’ll forget about it, highlight it in a different colour so you know you need to revisit it. If you get bogged down in everything being word perfect, it will make it so much harder to get those words out.
Whenever you’re tempted to fiddle around with your prose, remind yourself that this is just a first draft. There will be editing and rewrites later, just like with writing any book.
Relax and Enjoy It
I can’t stress this point enough. Writing isn’t meant to be a chore, and #NaNo is supposed to be fun. You’re being thrown in the deep end, yes, but there’s no real consequences if you don’t hit your target, and you’re being thrown into the deep end with thousands of like minded people who all share a love of writing.
And please, if #NaNo isn’t your thing, don’t try to put new writers off – enjoy their enthusiasm and encourage them to give it a go.
If you want to get prepared for #NaNoWriMo, I’m running a FREE five day preparation challenge that will have you ready to hit the ground running on November the first. You can get more information and join here.
You can also join my Facebook group, The Writer’s Den, where you’ll find more writers in the same boat as you. It’s a lovely supportive community and it’ll be the perfect place to talk #NaNo in November.
Are you doing #NaNo this year? Let me know in the comments, it’s always nice to connect with other crazy writers 😉
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Very useful advise – it’s so true – keep writing while the creative juices are flowing – edit later! xx
Thank you 🙂 x
Had never heard of this!! As an aspiring writer who is yet to finish my first book because I constantly find reasons not to (mostly kids) I will definitely be heading over to FB to learn more!
Fantastic. #NaNo is a great way to get into a good writing habit.
There are some great tidbit of advice in this post for bloggers too!
I know I am my worst critic and I never think that things I write is good enough!
I don’t think that ever goes away fully!
Insightful post and brill tips X #anythinggoes
Thank you 🙂 x
Oh this sounds like a great idea for those who need to keep on top of things! I really like the sounds of your 5 day preparation challenge too, good luck. #bloggerclubUK
Thank you 🙂
Really good tips. I’m a bit busy to do this this year, but maybe another month! #bloggerclubuk
Now if I had a great plot and storyline, maybe … #BloggerClubUK
Hello Debbie,
#NANOWRIMO still scares me but I would love to participate in the future. I’ve got to do my preparation as you’ve said. Thank you for the tips!
I have a book in the deep recesses of my computer. I am about half way through. I really should take it back out and give it a spin. You have inspired me. #bloggrclubUK
Yayyy 🙂 I love that I’ve inspired you to get writing your book again.
Returning back from #bloggerclubuk fab ideas X
If anybody could publish and unedited, first draft of a book, good on them. I hate people who put others down, who cares how a book started, so long as it starts. #bloggerclubuk
That’s it exactly – it got started and that’s all that matters
I have no idea what #NaNo is but I’m off to check it out. I’m currently a chapter in on my children’s book so it sounds like I may find it useful. Thanks
It’s a fab way to kickstart a writing project
I got to day three then fell behind so I’m still catching up. Life did get in the way this week but I’m not stressing about it. Plus, the story I picked I think was just the wrong one. I’m simply not ready to write that one yet. I should have picked a different one lol. #anythinggoes
It’s not too late to change your mind and choose a different story! I had one in mind and it’s not the one I’m actually writing lol
Hi, I’ve not heard of this term before when I had to write I found doing it at the same dedicated time of day worked for me. Those words soon do add up #bloggerclubuk
They really do!