On Friday, I shared my 2018 Goals Update and I thought today I would share my goals for 2019. Does anyone else find that making their goals public is a big motivator in actually getting them done? I always find that once I’ve said something out loud to someone (or wrote it in a public place), I am much more likely to follow through with it than I would be if I just thought about it in my head.
The optimum number of goals is between seven and ten from what I’ve read on the subject (which granted isn’t much) but if I only set ten goals a year, my five year plan would be a fifteen year plan so there are actually twenty goals for this year, although some of them are going to be a lot easier than others.
Here are my goals for 2019:
1 Grow my the DA for my new site, deborahstansil.com, to 25+
2 Hit 5k monthly page views on my new site (click the link above to visit and help me make a start on that one)
3 Get 500 people on my writing focused email list (if you’re a writer, or are thinking about starting to write, click the link in point one and join the email list there for monthly tips, prompts and more)
4 Grow my social media following by 25%
5 Hit 1 million monthly views on Pinterest (I’m going to focusing a lot on Pinterest this year)
6 Start playing around with a structured ad campaign on Facebook and aim to get the cost of customer acquisition down to less than 10%
7 Complete the April A-Z challenge on both blogs
8 Complete #NaNoWriMo
9 Complete and publish the novel I’m currently working on (I’m debating between “For the Love of the Law” and “Willow’s Choice” for the title)
10 Write and launch a course which will take someone from the wisp of an idea to a fully completed and selling novel
11 Run three free writing related challenges (these will mostly be taking place in my Facebook group, The Writer’s Den)
12 Write and publish a non-fiction eBook
13 Write and publish Twisted Tales 4
14 Write and launch two small courses related to writing
15 Increase my income by 25%
16 Grow my resources page on my new blog to include a range of free and paid charts, guides etc to help writers make their journeys easier
17 Do more editing work as well as writing work
18 Put together and launch some packages for writers
19 Get an affiliate strategy in place rather than just chucking the odd affiliate link in a post when I remember (don’t worry I’m not going to start talking about any old rubbish just to put a link in)
20 Set up a sales page where people can buy my books direct
What are your 2019 goals? Share some in the comments 🙂
You can find me here: Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
I hope that you achieve them. Good Luck. #anythinggoes
Thank you 🙂
Good grief – I think you’re Wonder Woman! That is a LOT to accomplish in a year – I’m having a rest from the AtoZ this year and you’re doing it for TWO blogs – amazing! Plus all the rest – you’ll have callouses on your fingertips by December 🙂
Lol I must be mad, but I have most of the posts written so I’m hoping by April it’ll just be visiting and commenting to do.
Wow, that’s an intimidating list. Do you use the SMART method to set goals?
As for me, I plan to start that vlog, somehow manage to get ahead of my blog, get back to the gym, figure out this book-marketing thing instead of hiding from it, and publish eight books…hopefully writing eight new ones as well.
I haven’t broken down the plan into smaller steps yet, but that’s next.
I mostly follow the “it has to be feasible, measurable and has to make a contribution to the overall goals” so part SMART, part not lol.
Good luck with your goals – publishing 8 books will be tough, but so worth it!
Good luck with all your goals!
Thank you 🙂