Welcome to day two of the A-Z Challenge – B is for Dan Brown.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
I remember the first time I read The Da Vinci Code, it made me want to hop on a plane and go to the Louvre. After that, I was hooked and every book of his I have read has pulled me in right from the start. I love the way he writes and I love all of the twists and turns the books take.
Have you read any Dan Brown? Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments
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My copy of the Da Vinci Code is literally on a shelf a couple of feet from me, but that’s the only Dan Brown book I’ve read!
You need more lol
I’m afraid all I noticed on The DaVinci Code was that in 24 hours, nobody ate, slept or went to the loo!
But I’m in a minority about this book!
Haha it’s been a while since I read it and I can’t say I noticed that
I love Dan Brown!
Me too
I so love the dan brown i read all his books apart from The Lost Symbol
I haven’t read that one yet either – it’s in my tbr pile
Read a few of this authors books – angels and demons is my favourite
I liked Angels and Demons but I think The DaVinci Code is my favourite
Angels and Demons is my favorite.
I started reading Dan Brown with Da Vinci Code. I’ve read all his books but Angels and Demons is a personal favorite.
I need to read the newest one, but other than that I think I’ve read them all too
i bought a copy of The DaVinci Code on my Nook when it first came out. Unfortunately I find too many factual errors that annoyed me that made me not read the rest of his books but i do love the mystery side of the story if only he didn’t take so much liberty with fact. :/
I don’t mind a bit of artistic licence and I’ve never actually been to the Louvre so I probably wouldn’t have noticed anyway lol
I should check this author out! I haven’t read anything by him but I’ve heard good things.
I really enjoy his books
I’ve certainly read Angels & Demons, and a friend warned me to read it before the Da Vinci Code. I found the first more interesting, the second more predictable, but then I was more familiar with the places involved.
Have fun – looking forward to more of your authors!
I read them backwards haha
I have read the Da Vinci code. Definitely a page turner and I admire how he makes you want to turn the pages but not one of my favourite books – I think I like a bit more credibility .
I have been to the Louvre though and it was fun to get a different perspective of the museum.
Thanks you for visiting me on our A to Z journey
For me, his credibility comes because he makes you turn those pages. I haven’t been to the Louvre, but that book made me want to for the first time ever
I’m a fan of Dan Brown and read his Da Vinci Code before it became a movie. His writing is quite suspenseful and the level of research required seems astounding! Also a favourite author of mine though I haven’t read any of his newer books.
I still haven’t actually gotten around to watching the movie
I do like Dan Brown for escapism. Like others have pointed out, he does make some errors, but his books are fast paced and easy reading #BloggerClubUk
I really need to reread his books and find these errors haha
I remember the first time I read the Da Vinci Code too. It took me all of two days to devour it. Couldn’t put it down.
Jennie linking up for #bloggerclubuk
Fantastic book that just pulls you in isn’t it
I read the Da Vinci code too and loved it. I liked the film a lot more than I thought I would too. Enjoying your list so far x #BloggerClubUK
I’ve never watched the movie, but a few comments have said how good it is, so maybe I will now x
I have to admit I’ve never read any of Dan Brown’s books. Finding time to sit and read is a challenge right now though – maybe I’ll have to give one of his books a try when I have more time to read again! #bloggerclubuk
You should definitely give one a try when you have more time, they’re very easy to lose yourself in
After seeing the movies, I wanted to read these but never found the time. Maybe I should!
DB McNicol, author
Definitely worth finding the time for