Welcome to day three of the A-Z Challenge – C is for Clan of the Cave Bear.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
Clan of the Cave Bear, by Jean M Auel, has been one of my favourite books since I first read it as a teenager. I must have reread it more than ten times, and each time, I spot something new that I hadn’t really taken in before. I’m not really one for crying at books, but this one gets me every time too.
Have you read Clan of the Cave Bear? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Yes, read and enjoyed this and the sequel, but lost interest after a chapter or two of The Mammoth Hunters. Ayla had become a bit of a Mary Sue by then.
So, what did you enjoy about the first book that made you read it so many times?
It wasn’t any one thing in particular, it was a combination of things. Firstly, I found the setting and the time fascinating. I found the writing style pulled me in and the character development was amazing (of course I didn’t know what it was then, I just knew those characters made me care about them).
I have never heard of this book, but my friend Larry has read it and says it’s interesting. 🙂
I loved it!
I haven’t read the book but we watched the movie shortly after our first daughter was born. When the mother gets sucked into the hole I started crying hysterically and went to pick up our baby just to make sure she was okay! I’ll have to read the book now.
I haven’t watched the movie as after reading the book, I just don’t see how a movie can do it justice. I might have to watch one day though!
I’ve not read it though its on my TBR list for quite a while now. I’ve read reviews of the book though and they have been glowing. So I guess I should try and read as soon as I get a chance!
Read it – it’s brilliant!
Ive not read this book,nor have i heard of the author,so i’m intrigued x
It’s a fab read!
This is one of those books I have owned for many, many years, but have never gotten around to reading. I keep meaning to, but somehow it keeps getting forgotten!
Oh you have to read it!
I loved it, and have read all the books in the series. It sparked a huge interest in Neanderthal times.
I really loved it too, although I didn’t actually read the rest of the series
Whilst I’m aware of it, I’ve never jumped in. After reading the comments perhaps I should.
Go for it, it’s a fab read 🙂
I read it as a teenager as well, but around book 5 or something I realized there was very little story to it, mostly descriptions of nature interwoven with (quite repetitive) descriptions of love making.
I still enjoyed the books and loved the story itself, but I don’t think I’d brave rereading them as a mature reader.
I didn’t make it past book one as I had heard they got progressively worse after book two, but the first one will always have a place in my heart
I haven’t read this book but I wish I had. It must be a classic.
A new one for me to read – new author too
I loved the first couple of books and maybe ought to re-read them, especially the Clan of the cave bear.
I want to re-read it myself now after writing this post
I read this series so very long ago (when I was a teenager). I suppose I should read it again now, as an adult. It fascinated me.
In retrospect, after Clan of the Cave Bear, things felt a little hokey, but I nevertheless read the books and liked them. I suspect I’d be substantially more critical now.
I fell in love with the book as a teen too although I didn’t bother with the rest of the series
I read this series many, MANY years ago. So good!!
DB McNicol, author