Welcome to day four of the A-Z Challenge – D is for Dying for Christmas.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
Dying for Christmas by Tammy Cohen has one of the most amazing twists I’ve ever read in a book – and it’s one you totally don’t see coming. It’s fast and action packed and will leave you turning the pages faster and faster to see how everything turns out. It doesn’t even matter that it’s not remotely close to Christmas, this is still a fab read.
Have you read any Dying for Christmas? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Never heard of this book,but like the sound of it xx
If you like books with a twist, you’ll love this x
I have not heard of the book until reading your post. But it does have an intriguing title. Happy A to Z!
Thank you 🙂
I am a very bad book reader these days, so no, I haven’t even heard of “dying for Christmas”. All I know is that today is April 4, and we’ve been having a couple of wonderful spring days around here. Today, however, it’s snowing!! Yes, as in white. A friend told me her kids were asking about getting a Christmas tree…!!!
Oh wow – it’s cold here but no snow. I’d be up for a Christmas tree like haha
Haven’t read a Tammy Cohen book yet. Will have to check it out.
Loved this book – id recommend to all
The cover appears to compare it to Gone Girl which is a good enough reason for me to read it!
Would you believe I still haven’t gotten around to Gone Girl? It’s in my tbr pile though
So nice bumping into you again during this challenge! I’ve never read this book but it does sound interesting.
It sure is! I love reconnecting with the familiar “faces” of past challenges.
Sadly, I’m not much of a literary reader. Blogging reading is a different story, though. 🙂 I’ve not read this book but it seems I’ve heard of the author. No doubt another bloggy friend has mentioned her. I’m sure the story is excellent and appreciated your share. Thanks for popping by for today’s Little Mermaid cartoon character!
She’s quite well known so there’s a fair chance she’s being talked about on other blogs too 🙂
So many books I haven’t read yet, but this sounds like a possibility! Have fun during the #A2ZChallenge! (I’m number 512! Nancy Jardine Author blog)
No, I haven’t heard of it. It sounds great though and I will add it to my shelf on Goodreads. Thanks for sharing your favourite books with us!
This book doesn’t ring any bell for me, but I think I could love it! Thanks for sharing
I like twisty books so no doubt I’ll appreciate this one. I’ll be adding it to my to-read list.
It’s a fantastic read
My Goodreads challenge this year is 52 books and I am always on the lookout for suggestions. I will check out this novel and look forward to your future reviews through April.
Good luck with your challenge 🙂
Visited through the a to z challenge. Never heard about the title, informative. Thanks.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
That is an interesting title. You have me curious about the twist.
It’s one hell of a twist!
This sounds awesome! #AnythingGoes
It’s a fab read
I’ve not read this book but it dies sounds good from what you’ve said. One to add to the list.
I add this book to my to-read list. Thanks for your recommendation. #AnythingGoes
You’re welcome 🙂
Not heard of this one but sounds good #AnythingGoes
It really is!
Definitely added to my “to be read” list!
DB McNicol, author
It’s a great read