Welcome to day six of the A-Z Challenge – F is for Funland.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
I really love Richard Laymon’s writing style and the way he builds suspense and makes you feel things. Funland is a particular favourite of mine as the setting really grabbed me. The characters in this book make it what it is – each of them have their own unique personality and you really get pulled into their world and feel for them as the story moves along.
Have you read Funland? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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Not read this one yet – will be doing soon
Doesn’t look familiar. That cover looks a bit creepy. Clowns… *shudders*
It is quite creepy but there aren’t actually any clowns in it haha
No i haven’t but i do think i’d enjoy it x
I love books with interesting characters so your description of this one is intriguing. I’ll check it out. Also, love your theme!
Thank you 🙂 Hope you enjoy the book!
I’ve never read it and I usually avoid creepy books, so I probably won’t.
If you don’t like creepy books then definitely avoid this one lol
Still making the rounds and really like your AtoZ theme. I haven’t read Funland but am always looking for new authors to read so will check out this book. Thanks.
F is for: Funeral Linen Weaving (Theme: very short stories)
I hope you enjoy it!
I haven’t read it. I’ll have to check it out.
Not read this one yet. Will definitely check it out.
It’s a great read
Never read it–but it looks good. On a different subject, I can’t say I miss doing AtoZ on a daily basis. I’m thinking of all the work you are going through to get these posts up! Kudos.
Thank you 🙂 I kind of enjoy the chaos of A-Z I’m weird that way haha
I can’t say that I’ve come across this book before… Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
Ronel visiting from the A-Z Challenge with Music and Writing
I’ve never read it. Not a fan of creepy books!
Clowns. I’m already shuddering. #BloggerClubUK
Lol sorry – if it makes it any better, there aren’t actually clowns in the book
Debbie, both the book and its author are new to me. I’ll have to check them out! #BloggerClubUK
Enjoy 🙂
I need to take a deeper look at this one…thanks!
DB McNicol, author
I need to find myself some new authors this year, expand my reading. Maybe I’ll follow your A-z of recommendations #bloggersclubuk
There’s bound to be some you like the look of!