Welcome to day eleven of the A-Z Challenge – K is for Stephen King.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
I first discovered Stephen King when I was around twelve or thirteen and had pretty much read everything of interest to me in the teenage section of my local library. I tried one of his books and I was instantly hooked. I love his writing style and the effortless way he builds suspense and tension through his stories.
I like his newer stuff, but I love the old school stuff the best. I won’t list my favourites here because I’ll be talking about some of them for the other days’ letters, but I will mention IT, which I thoroughly enjoyed and have reread several times over the years, and The Long Walk, which was originally published under the pen name Richard Bachman and had such a unique concept at the time it was written.
Have you read any Stephen King? Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I’ve read The Shining and The Stand. I have quite a few on my shelf to read, although I’ve seen the movies. I love his writing.
With the exception of The Green Mile, I never find the movies live up to the books.
Firestarter was my favorite. I’ve read a few of his others but not any of the gory too frightening stuff. I read one about a girl who got left on a trail and had to find her way home, but don’t remember the title! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog… Happy A to Z!
I’ve spent ages trying to figure out which book this is because I read trail as train haha. I think it’s The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.
OMG I REALLY DO LIKE STEPHEN KING! My favorite one is “The Dark Tower” – The Gunslinger is No. 1 & there’s seven books in all. I read the entire first book and I was in a trance. I loved it. Now here’s the kicker. I AM NOT AN AVID READER! totally “NOT”! Reading actually puts me to sleep, BUT if i find a story I really like…. like another is “Flowers in the Attic” or “Hiroshima” I just cannot put them down. Go figure. Yes, I know I’m weird, but yes I do like Stephen King. GO FIGURE!!! I must say though “The Gunslinger” was my favorite!
I’ve read the Dark Tower series – I enjoyed it, but I don’t think it’s his best book(s)
Another fab author – read most of these
I started to read Stephen King’s IT, but the first 10 pages scared the hell out of me! I used to stay alone and reading IT was a bad idea then. I plan to read it soon though, the book is waiting in my shelf, ready to be read!
You have to read it, it’s brilliant
Stephen King is at the top of my list of favorite authors, and I’ve read most of his books. I love how he develops his characters… he’s a master at depicting human nature. My favorite of his is The Stand. It’s the only book I’ve ever read more than once. I’m almost embarrassed to say how many times I’ve read it. 😀
He really is brilliant at writing believable, well rounded characters. Lol there’s nothing wrong with revisiting a favourite book!
I am a huge fan of Stephen King. My favorite so far is the Pet Cemetery. Love your theme.
I really enjoyed Pet Cemetery. Thank you 🙂
Hey Debbie,
I have read the Outsider and quite liked it. The next one on my TBR list is 11/22/63
I loved 11/22/63
I haven’t read any King books but have seen several movies based on them, my favorite being The Witches of Eastwick.
I’m too scared to read Stephen King although I hear he is great.
He’s a brilliant writer. Try the Dark Tower series if you want to give him a go without the scare factor lol
I’m not a horror fan so not a big fan of him but hubby is!
DB McNicol, author
I have heard about Stephen King, but never read him. You have convinced me. Will add IT to my TBR, thanks 🙂
You’ll definitely enjoy IT!
Anything by Stephen King is fine by me, and the books are far better than the moves in my view – but then that’s quite often the case!
I totally agree – the movies always mess stuff up. I think the one exception to this (for Stephen King books) is The Green Mile where they pretty much followed the book to the letter
I’ve read a couple of his over the years but I remember The Green Mile – which I thought was brilliant. I believe he’s also written a book on writing which I’ve heard is brilliant ..
Yes, I loved The Green Mile. On Writing is brilliant – I would recommend all authors, old and new, give it a read
My daughters both love Stephen King, so I get quite a few of his books passed on to me. I say, “he’s not one of my favorites” and “his style of writing is not what I prefer” and yet I have never picked up one of his books that did not hold me enthralled. Also, his non-fiction “On Writing” is wonderful, and 11.22.63 is hands down one of the best books in that genre that I’ve ever read.
Haha I think you’re a bit of a closet fan 😉
Not a big Stephen King fan. He doesn’t really do much for me. Sorry. #anythinggoes
We can’t all like the same things, that would be boring 🙂
It was one I could not make it through, it was just too scary! #AnythingGoes
I really like reading and I’m surprised I’ve never read a Stephen King. It’s weird!
Oh you have to read one!
Such a classic book. I remember reading it when I was younger X #anythinggoes
Definitely a classic!
I’ve read most of them, but I think Carrie is my all-time favorite.
I need to reread Carrie – it’s been too long!
I’ve read several of his books. My all-time favourite is The Green Mile.
I love The Green Mile – the characters in it are all so real
Desperation is my favorite. I actually stopped about 20 pages from the end and let it sit for more than a month because I didn’t want it to end!
It’s definitely a love/hate thing when you reach the end of a book you love. You want to know how it ends, but you don’t want it to be over!