Welcome to day fifteen of the A-Z Challenge – O is for On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is a book that I think anyone who writes fiction should read at some point. Although King is famous for horror, the advice in the book could easily be used for any genre. The book is King’s memoir and a guide to writing fiction all rolled up into one interesting little package.
Full of good advice, rules for writing, and often more importantly advice on how and when to break those rules, On Writing is a not just informative but also interesting and written in King’s unique style that will make you feel as though he is an old friend.
On Writing is the only non-fiction book to make it onto my list, which says a lot about how much I liked it.
Have you read On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I already have this on my shelf to read. Looking forward to it.
Hope you enjoy it!
Yes, I’ve read it, an excellent book. To be honest, I have always loved King’s non fiction anyway.
O Is For The Once And Future King
It’s definitely an excellent book!
My stepfather gifted me On Writing in my teens in an attempt to connect with me (a successful attempt). It encouraged me and it is part of the reason that I am still a writer.
That’s amazing
I read it years ago, but I think it’s time for a reread!
Definitely worth a reread!
I just finished reading a Stephen King novel and loved it! I would be very interested to read his memoir
It’s a great read
This is still on my to-read list. I mean, the book is just sitting on my shelf, staring at me, so I suppose I’ll get to it soon.
Do it!
I haven’t! Will be soon
It’s a great read!
Front and center on my shelf with several pages tagged. His advice to write the story for yourself is excellent for any writer, especially for the first draft – no editing necessary until the end. Now I want to read it again.
Totally agree – I am always tempted to edit in the middle of the first draft, and I always think of this book and stop myself haha
Great book! I got a copy when I decided I wanted to be a writer.
I read it years ago and the reread once I started writing full time – I still had a fair few aha moments the second time around!
I bought this at a used book store a few months ago. I’m very much looking forward to reading it. King is an incredibly talented author and I’m sure he has lots of good advice.
It’s a great book and no matter how long you’ve been writing I think you’ll take something from it
I’ve not read this, I need to get a copy.