Welcome to day eighteen of the A-Z Challenge – R is for Rosemary’s Baby.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin was the first adult horror book I ever read. I think I was around twelve or thirteen at the time and it inspired a life long love for the genre. I remember feeling so creeped out by it, and even now, rereading it for the hundredth time it has a delicious creepy feeling to it and that feeling escalates through the book, keeping you hooked on the story.
Have you read Rosemary’s Baby? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I don’t think I read it but I remember seeing the movie with Mia Farrow. Creeped me out.
Yes, the movie actually stays surprisingly true to the book and I thought the casting was brilliant too
A WINNING author – id recommend to all
I did read it, and yes, enjoyed it, but by the time I finally got around to reading it, we all pretty much knew what the ending was, so not as scary. I do remember the introduction to the ebook edition which said that it was the first book to take horror out of Transylvania or wherever and bring it right home to where we live – and that is a lot scarier than having the story a long way off.
Yeah I think the creepy couple next door, and then finding out your husband is involved is a lot more relatable to the average person than a vampire in a caste in Transylvania!
I never liked horror movies so movies like Rosemary’s baby or the exorcist or the omen, are something I was never interested in. I even hate Chucky, that little brat.
Aww poor Chucky – he’s kind of hilarious!
This time I’ve watched the film but not read the book, in fact, it’s a movie I’ve sat through many times!
It’s a good movie and actually stays very true to the book