Welcome to day Twenty-one of the A-Z Challenge – U is for the Unwind Series.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
The Unwind series by Neal Shusterman follows three main characters as they navigate through a world where unwinding (a way of separating a person’s body and using all of the parts for transplants without killing the person consciousness) is a thing. Set to be unwound, the three main characters each start out on a journey, some to face their fate and others to avoid it, and end up crossing paths.
Throughout the series, the characters all grow on you in their own ways and you can’t help but root for them as they face greater and greater challenges. There is never a dull moment in this series, and for all the ending is a satisfying one that answers the main questions we have as readers, you can’t but want more. Not because the ending didn’t really end the story, but because the writing style and the characters are so infectious and you just want more of them.
Have you read any of the Unwind series? Did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I’ve never heard of this series, but it sounds really interesting.
Sorry I’m showing up so late in the game with your challenge. I’m so far behind!
Don’t worry about it – life gets in the way haha.
It’s a fab series, definitely worth a read 🙂
You managed to find something beginning with U – that was a challenge! I’ve never heard of this series but it sounds fascinating.
Haha it was! It’s a great series 🙂
I’d not heard of it but sounds right up my street. I’m tempted!
Grab a copy, you won’t regret it!
I haven’t read Unwind but I loved Neal Shusterman’s Scythe and Thunderhead novels so I might come across other writings of his in the future.
This is the only one of his series’ I’ve read. I’ll have to look out for the others
I haven’t read this, but heard of it. It sounds fascinating! Perhaps when
I’m a little closer to the bottom of my TBR pile…
It’s really good 🙂
New author for me to explore – thanks