Welcome to day eight of the A-Z Challenge – H is for Harry Potter series.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
I wasn’t one of those people who jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon in the early stages. I never queued at midnight on release day for the next book. In fact, I pretty much ignored the whole thing until a good few years after the last instalment, when I bought the DVD boxset and watched the movies.
I was instantly hooked from that moment, and naturally, I bought the set of books soon after. Now don’t get me wrong, I like the books, but I actually prefer the movies, which is so strange for me as I always prefer the books. I don’t know if it’s because I watched the movies first, but I found that I agreed with most of the parts that were cut from the movies – they just didn’t need to be in there for the most part.
Have you read Harry Potter or watched the movies? Which do you prefer? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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My daughter was one of those who had to have the book ASAP and stood in line at midnight when the movies came out. She wants a Harry Potter themed wedding but since she is over 30 now, she can have whatever wedding she wants to pay for! I have to read the last few books but I have seen all the movies. They are great over and over.
A Harry Potter themed wedding sounds amazing!
I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies, including the Fantastic Beasts ones. I never had to queue at midnight because I got them for reviewing, but that meant I didn’t get them till the post office delivered them, because this is one series the publishers absolutely would not send out early to reviewers, for fear of spoilers and probably other, worse things. I see nothing wrong with the queuing, though, it’s a normal fannish thing and was certainly fun for those who did it. I got the last one on the day, though, by going to the publisher HQ to collect my copy, because I had a deadline for my review.
I liked the films very much, but preferred the books. I think your preference probably is indeed because you saw the films first.
It’s not my idea of fun, but each to their own 🙂 I’m more a pre-order on Amazon girl haha.
Hi, I love both equally! I was late jumping on the book reading bandwagon too. I watched the movies first and it felt good to read the books after that. I learn more by reading books. I loved marathoning them. I think my favourite book is The Half-Blood Prince. I love Snape.
My favourite is The Goblet of Fire, but I do have a soft spot for Snape too
Some of the books I read first, some of the movies I saw first. I liked both but enjoyed the ease of watching the movies and having all the special effects created for my viewing pleasure. It was also fun to watch the actors age in their roles.
Yeah I thought the casting was done very well
I have never read HARRY potter – seem to have a mental block with his books
Try the movies first 🙂
Ditto with me too! I chose Harry Potter too, as you know <3
It had to be done didn’t it lol
Same pinch Debbie! When you get a good book in the movie form, there’s nothing like it 😊
So true!
I am one of the very few people on this planet who never got hooked on Harry Potter. I’m happy for everybody who is, though!
It’s not for everyone and the world would be so boring if we all liked the same things.
I was way late to the party as well. I only read them a couple of years ago. My mom loves Harry Potter and has all the books and movies. I borrowed the movies from her. I enjoyed the movies but preferred the books as is the case 97% of the time. I have facts and figures to back that up.
I was late to the party as well. I’m always late. I read the books a couple of years ago. I watched the movies as I finished each book. I enjoyed the movies but prefered the books as is the case 97% of the time. I have facts and figures to back that up.
Yeah this is one of the few instances where I prefer the movies.
Hi Debbie. Yes, so much to say about the Harry Potter series. I first discovered them in November 2000. I saw the first three books in London, in a bookshop in Chelsea. I went in , picked them up and bought all three, I was then hooked ! The first film came out as I was reading the fourth. So I re-read the first three. And on and on…re-reading them every time a new film came out, taking the books out from the University library, then buying a copy as soon as it was in paperback. My three children have seen all films. My eldest has read the books several times. She agrees with me. There is so much more in the books. J.K. Rowling is a classical literature major and it shows in her books ! Love her new series on the fantastical creatures.
I’ve only read them once – I’m probably due a reread! I didn’t know she had a classical literature degree
I didn’t read the books at all, and I only watched the movies after they were all released on iTunes. They’re a good time, but I have more questions than answers! #BloggerClubUK
The books would probably answer most of your questions
Such an amazing series and for once, I actually enjoyed the movies, too.
DB McNicol, author
I generally find if I’ve read a book first I have trouble with the movie interpretation because we have an image of the characters in our minds and they rarely match up. Reading the book first is much easier. I only read the first couple though, with my son a very long time ago now x #bloggersclubuk
I felt like the casting for the movies was pretty much true to the books – but that could have been because I automatically saw the characters as the actors by that point
I started reading the books before the movies were a thing. I might be mildly obsessed.
I took my daughter to the drive in theater to see the last Harry Potter movie the night it opened. She was about 10 days old. 😉 But I didn’t want to miss it!
I might also own all the hardcover copies, BluRay and DVDs of the movies, and both the British and American audiobooks…
I love that your ten day old saw the movie haha. I have the books and a DVD boxset but that’s it lol – oh and some Harry Potter socks haha