Welcome to day twenty-five of the A-Z Challenge – Y is for Young Adult.
My theme for this year is “The A-Z of My Favourite Books and Authors”. Each day (except Sunday) will feature a book or author whose title or first or last name starts with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.
Today’s pick is a genre rather than a specific book or author and the genre I’ve chosen is young adult. I do love horror, but I really enjoy young adult fiction too. It’s funny because was I was in the age range young adult fiction is aimed at, I was reading adult horror books because the teen ones were too tame. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the Christopher Pike teen horror books and the Point Horror books, but I got through them pretty quickly and that left me needing something more.
Now I’m technically far too old for young adult fiction, I find myself reading it a lot, and I do think that it’s changed a lot since I was that age. I think now teen fiction discusses real issues in a way that teen fiction when I was a teen shied away from, and I think there range of choice is a whole lot better too.
Some of my favourite young adult series’ include the Divergent series by Veronica Roth, the Gone series by Michael Grant, the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman, The Hunger Games series by Susannah Collins, the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, The Maze Runner series by James Dashner and the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver.
Have you read any young adult series’ or stand alone books? Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments – I’d love some recommendations. 🙂
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I don’t usually read young adult books either but I think I may be missing out. I liked the movies of the series you mentioned.
You’re definitely missing out! They’re so much better than the teen books used to be lol
Read all of these They are fab