Welcome to the Author Interview. This time, it features the lovely Imran Boe Khan who is currently working on his first book. If you’re an author who’d like to take part in the series, email me: debbie@myrandommusings.co.uk
Now over to Imran.
1 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourself
Hello, my name is Imran – a name which my sister had me believe meant ‘wicker basket’ in Arabic up until I was ten years old.
2 Tell us a little bit about your books
I haven’t released a book as of yet – one is in the pipeline. My poems tend to explore themes around obsession, trickery and God. My lighter material, released solely to my two young children, is mostly about bison that dance spontaneously on the street as they steal number plates from unsuspecting clowns.
3 Where do you find your inspiration for your books?
Little scenes I come across mostly. One of my poems, called ‘Witness to Marriage’ came from an elderly woman hanging up her wedding dress on the ceiling of a packed theatre hall as crowds celebrated Harry and Meghan’s wedding.
4 What, for you, is the best thing about being a writer?
There’s something transformative in creating something with the view of it being experienced by another person.
5 And the worst?
It’s hard to make a living on writing alone – the stress of not knowing for sure where the next pound is going to come from.
6 If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
Hmm. This is something I often think about, but now that the moment has come to finally decide, it’s tricky. I’d say the ability to transform anything into a delicious slice of buttered toast has to be up there. I find buttered toast inherently positive and I’d quite enjoy replacing awful things with something that I hold in extremely high esteem.
7 Do you have any tips for anyone wanting to write their first book?
I do, but I wouldn’t recommend them taking them as I haven’t yet completed my first collection of poems. I’d say just write. Tell yourself you’re going to write for 30 minutes a day at least, if you can. Then set about doing it.
8 Tell us one random fact about you
I was once a foot double for a celebrity so famous you probably have a picture of him in your house.
9 Who is your favourite author?
Mark Twain
10 And your favourite book(s)?
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, The Crucible, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? And Hurricane Hamish.
11 What book are you reading right now?
Captain Pugwash
12 Where is your favourite place to write?
A darkened room
13 Do you prefer to write in silence or do you have a writing soundtrack?
I love writing to music – I often have the song on repeat. Right now, I’m obsessed with an acoustic version of Billie Eilish’s ‘When the Party’s Over’.
14 What can we expect from you next?
A chapbook.
15 Anything else you’d like to share with us?
If you are an A-List Hollywood actor who happens to feel insecure about their feet, please feel free to PM me and I would consider stepping in (fees negotiable).
16 Where can we find you? (Links to your Amazon page and social media)
Feel free to find me on my Facebook page.
You can find me here: My writing blog, Twitter Facebook Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
foot double? thats hysterical