I love all things book as I’m sure you all know, so when I was tagged in the Stay At Home Book Tag by Joanna from Joanna Victoria, I was only too happy to take part.
1 A Book You Read In A Day
Q by Christina Dalcher. After reading and enjoying her last book, (affiliate link – see the end of the post for more details) Vox, I was really looking forward to this one, and it didn’t disappoint.
2 A Book That Is A Guilty Pleasure Read
Honestly, I can’t think of one apart from the obvious ones like Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, we all knew it was going to be bad, but yes, we all read it anyway.
3 A Series That You Want to Start
I really want to get started on The Giver series – it’s one of those that keeps getting pushed back.
4 A Book That Has Been On Your TBR for Ages
Bad Feminist. Like The Giver, this is one that keeps on getting pushed back. I must make the effort to get around to it because I’ve heard so many good things about it.
5 A Book You Recently Bought Because of the Hype
The Lovely Bones. And what a mistake it was. I honestly feel like all of those people who say how amazing this book is have either read a different version to the one I read, or they have nothing much to compare it to. It does have a great premise (the book is written from the POV of a dead girl who has been murdered and is now watching over her family) but none of it is followed through well. The murder investigation is barely mentioned, the grief of the family isn’t portrayed well, and it becomes a slog where nothing happens until the last chapter or two and this part is so ridiculous as to be laughable.
6 A Book You Learned from or Had An Impact On You
Navigating Indieworld taught me so much about marketing self published books. It was, and still is, one of the few books I’ve read that got me excited about marketing.
7 A Book You Were Gifted
The Boy Who Followed His Father Into Auschwitz. I got this for Christmas and it was a great read, really powerful and moving if sad in places.
8 What Is One Thing You Have Done Recently To Look After Yourself?
Does buying a pumice stone for my feet count? Because that’s about it.
9 – An Upcoming Release You Are Looking Forward To
The Book of Two Ways – Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors and I am really looking forward to her new book.
If you would like to join in and post your answers, then consider yourself tagged 🙂
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I am always so intrigued by these reading. Challenges but never seem to have time.
Let me know if you decide to join in 🙂
Some interesting choices, I do read and have a long list of books to read – will add some more to it!
My tbr list gets longer every day haha