Welcome to day twenty of the A-Z Challenge and today’s letter is T.
The A-Z Challenge involves blogging every day except Sundays and each day corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. The daily posts most relate to that letter and can all have a theme or can be totally random. My theme this year is Recommended Reading, where I will share three to five books for each letter that I have really enjoyed and think more people should read.
I have tried to have a mix of authors and genres but you will notice some real favourites occurring more than once. The posts do contain affiliate links (don’t worry, they don’t affect you in any way but if you want to know more, check the end of the post). Below you will find today’s chosen books:
Thirteen by Steve Cavanaugh
This was the first book I had read of Steve Cavanaugh’s and it was that good, it made me go and read the older books of his. I love a good court room thriller and I absolutely loved the twist in this one that the killer is on the jury (not a spoiler, this is literally on the cover of the book). To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware
Slightly odd parents? Check. A creepy kid who hates her new nanny for no reason? Check. A place in the middle of nowhere with just the kids for company? Check. Ruth Ware delivers another creepy, twist filled book that you won’t be able to put down. To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
This one was a bit weird for me, because I did it backwards and I had already watched the Netflix show before I read the book. I liked that the book was more fast paced – the tapes that take Clay seemingly months to get through in the show are dealt with in one night in the book. I enjoyed the book, but I do feel like the show was a bit more interesting because we got more details and more back story on the characters. Hannah herself was much more likeable in the book. I’d love to hear thoughts from anyone who read the book first. To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
The Trial by S R Masters
The Trial takes place in a beautiful, tropical resort with five star everything. It is literal paradise but you just know it’s not going to stay that way once the characters get started on the trial, where they will be testing a new drug. What starts out as a simple medical trial soon becomes a fight for survival. To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
I’ll be honest – I went into this book expecting to not like it very much. I don’t think of myself as the cosy mystery type and the idea of these pensioners solving a murder was a bit far fetched for me. But there was so much hype around the book that I gave in and tried it – and I absolutely loved it. It doesn’t feel cheesy or ridiculous like I expected it to. It’s well written, the characters are well developed and the plot kept me turning the pages. I liked it that much I have the next book in the series already and the third book on pre-order. To read the blurb, or to buy the book, click here.
Bonus Book/Shameless Plus
The Twisted Tales Series by me
A three book series containing a range of dark short stories with a twist. The stories encompass the very worst of human nature. Whether you find yourself rooting for the characters or hoping they get their comeuppance, remember, there is a dark streak in all of us just waiting to come out. To read the blurb or buy the books (free on KU), click here.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy the product through my link, I’ll receive a couple of pennies in commission. This won’t affect your purchase in any way and all that jazz. For more info, click the “boring legal stuff” tab at the top of the page.
Thirteen by Steve Cavanaugh sounds interesting. I’ve been on a Jury before, and the range of personalities we had was facinating.
Oh I’d love to do jury duty
I like the tag line (concept) of the first one but probably not for me.