Welcome to day seventeen of the A-Z Challenge and today’s letter is R.
The A-Z Challenge involves blogging every day except Sundays and each day corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. The daily posts most relate to that letter and can all have a theme or can be totally random. My theme this year is Recommended Reading,where I will share three to five books for each letter that I have really enjoyed and think more people should read.
I have tried to have a mix of authors and genres but you will notice some real favourites occurring more than once. The posts do contain affiliate links (don’t worry, they don’t affect you in any way but if you want to know more, check the end of the post). Below you will find today’s chosen books:
Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
An oldie but still a good one, Ira Levin completely nails the skill of showing what seems to be an everyday event and having this creepy tension cloud over it that leaves you ready to jump out of your seat at the littlest thing. And then comes the pay off and it is so worth it. To read the blurb or buy the book, click here.
The Rumour by Lesley Kara
This book is a very good picture of how the passing on of rumours often becomes like a Chinese whispers game as people embellish the story to cover up for the bits they don’t know. It also shows how dangerous rumours can be if people take too much notice of them. To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
Ready Player One by Ernst Cline
I’ll be honest, starting this book, I didn’t really expect to like it. It’s well out of my reading comfort zone, but I kept seeing people talking about it being good so eventually, I gave in and read it and I’m so glad I did. I really enjoyed it. To read the blurb or to buy the book, click here.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. That means if you buy the product through my link, I’ll receive a couple of pennies in commission. This won’t affect your purchase in any way and all that jazz. For more info, click the “boring legal stuff” tab at the top of the page.
The Rumour is one I don’t know, and the premise sounds like it certainly can lead to drama and/or tragedy.
Most definitely! I hope you enjoy it if you decide to give it a go