1. Michelle Kellogg

    I have done research into Halloween too and I love when the History channel does Halloween specials about the origins of Halloween and the origins of monsters. I do believe the dressing up was a way to scare away the dead but I think the pumpkin is also one of the ways to scare away the dead too but I'm not positive on that. I do know that when the catholics decided to celebrate Jesus's birthday they decided on the Pagan holiday of Winter Solstice because they wanted to make it more religious. No one really knows when Jesus was actually born. I find it fascinating how Christianity adapted and changed the Pagan holidays to suit their own needs. Halloween is my favorite holiday though.

    • I love Halloween and somehow knowing the truth behind it just makes it better! I once read somewhere Jesus was born around February 17th but whether or not that's true is anyone's guess, but yeah, they stole pretty much all the Pagan holidays one way or another. I love Halloween but its not so big over here, I would love to be in America for it!

  2. Adventures of a Novice Mum

    Good lesson in history and shame really, about the Christianization of Pagan festivals … though I can see the basic reason why it might have been done. The reasoning being the All Hallows Eve tradition isn't Biblical; it would be interesting to find out what exactly made them think the dead were offended or that wearing scary costumes would make any difference.

    I don't celebrate Halloween for a number of reasons that I'm planning to write about this week (hopefully). However, I know many celebrate and enjoy it.

    • I can see the logic behind it, but its not the way I think a situation should be handled! They were maybe afraid that mocking and then overriding their festival would upset them? I really enjoy Halloween, but each to their own I say! I would be interested in reading your post on why you don't like it, feel free to tweet me the link when its up 🙂

  3. Mary K.- In the boondocks

    You are a wealth of information. I vaguely remember learning this years ago. Thanks for the refresher. We don't get to celebrate Halloween here in Greece, we only do the Carnival (which I'm not such a fan of) too much noisy salsa music.lol

  4. Nikki Frank-Hamilton

    I have never paid a lot of attention to the history of Halloween, I have heard most of it, but I just like to enjoy the fun. I think that we can have a great time and not worry about who believes what, we can all like the parts we want and everyone can have a good time. Live and let live and all that! This year we have a band competition for our daughter, at the State level on Halloween! We'll be road-tripping it instead of dressing up this year! Enjoy your holiday!

  5. Claire

    I love Halloween! I knew a bit about the origin but this is really interesting, I didn’t know the possible fact about dressing up! x #HalloweenHorrors

  6. The Unsung mUM

    Halloween sure has lost its way has’t it? I don’t mind at the moment as mine are small but not sure how I’m going to feel about it when they are bigger! #HalloweenHorrors

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