It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, you should always give it 100% and aim to be the best. Not necessarily the best at it (although there’s nothing wrong with that) but the best at it you can be.
The old saying, if something’s worth doing it’s worth doing properly, is absolutely true. Why go into something half assed when you could go into it and give it your best shot?
So many people go into new projects or new aspects of their life and don’t give 100% because they fear they will fail. You’re much more likely to fail at something if you don’t give it your all.
To give something your best shot and then fail can be disheartening at first, but later, you will have no regrets – you genuinely did the best you could. Go into something half assed and fail, and although you can shrug it off at the time, later, there’ll always be those “what if” thoughts. You’ll always wonder if you could have been successful if you’d only tried properly.
Here are three reasons why you should always aim to be the best:
Taking Pride In a Job Well Done
This may seem like a strange one as we’re often led to believe that pride is a bad thing. Taking pride in a job well done isn’t a bad thing at all – it’s learning to celebrate yourself and your achievements in the same way you would celebrate the achievements of a friend.
Whatever the outcome of your efforts, you can take pride from knowing that you did the very best you could.
Ambition Isn’t a Dirty Word
It irritates me so much that in today’s society, ambition is often still seen as a dirty word, particularly for women. There is nothing wrong with having ambition – there’s nothing wrong with wanting to excel at something.
Call it chasing the dream, call it goal setting, call it whatever you like, but the ambition to want to push yourself to be the best is the driving actor that will keep you pushing forward when things get tough. Hang on to your ambition with both hands and be proud of the fact that you want to be better.
You Deserve to Be the Best
Don’t let self doubt hold you back. If you’re willing to put the time and the work in, then you deserve to achieve great things, and the people who tell you differently are the people you don’t need in your life.
Do you always strive to be the best you can be? Let me know in the comments 🙂
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I think those are three excellent reasons to aim for the best. =)
Thank you 🙂
I wish I did, but one of my hobbies is self-sabotage. I strive to be the best I can be, but I often take on too much and leave it all until the last minute. This is one of the reasons I took on the teaching gigs–less time to procrastinate will hopefully hold my feet to the fire a bit.
Still, tomorrow is always a new day.
That is so me – total shiny object syndrome here!
And Reason #4? If you start (and complete) something, but just hack it out, someday a potential employer may consider that very piece of crap as an example of what you can do. It’s scary to think you might lose a job for that reason, innit?
Yes, it really is!